There are many things that you can buy online for a lower price and good quality, as you would anywhere else. However, a Sugar Glider is not one of those things. Why is this you might ask?
There are 3 reasons why you should not buy a sugar glider colors online. 1) In most states it is the law that you approved to buy exotic animals from an animal welfare organization breeder. Online Sugar Glider ink suppliers are usually no SPCA approved breeders, and in many cases are complete scams in this business for the money only. If you bought your sugar glider colors online, it would be impossible to check whether the supplier you bought it really is approved SPCA.
2) When you are ready to buy your exotic pet you really should be able to the animal and the place where it is kept SEE. You want to be able to ask questions and they are answered before you pay. You want to be able to see how your supplier takes care of his animals and act like the animals in their cage and with the people. How they respond to their environment and to you. You will not be able to do all this when you purchase your aircraft online.
3) Once you have purchased your exotic pet, you want the ability to have the animal back if something is wrong with him. SPCA breeders have such a guarantee for any exotic pet that they sell and take back the animal if it gets sick within the first week or so of acceptance. If you buy online you do not have your aircraft as guarantee.
These are the 3 main reasons why you do not buy your sugar gliders online should, but seek reputable breeders who get to know you personally, and who would be more than happy to show you their SPCA certification and answer any questions you might have, and can more before you buy your exotic pet....