Food for chinchillas must be chosen carefully, as these animals have sensitive stomachs and need a diet that contains specific nutrients. Chins are vegetarians and need quality food to stay healthy. With a sensitive digestive system, it is important not to give too many treats or change their diet and often abruptly.
Chinchillas in their natural environment eat plants, fruits, and hay. It's especially food that is available, mimics this diet. Many of the cheaper, off the shelf, are foods contain a lot of filler. During this work, it is best to get high quality food if you can afford it. Hay is an important part of a chinchilla breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This will help them maintain a healthy digestive system as they are rich in fiber. It is important to ensure that the hay is fresh, because when it gets wet, which is often as chinchillas make a mess out of their place, it is moldy. This will lead to a chinchilla get sick. Make sure a bowl, do not use too chewed. Plastics can kill your chin.
One of the best treats you can give a chinchilla is a raisin. They love them. Also, be careful not to overdo it. All dried fruits are a good option. Pet stores carry treats, but these are usually expensive and full of fillers. Try blueberries, cranberries or dried banana chips. Fruit makes a good reward if you are trying to train your chinchilla. On a side note, chinchillas are very intelligent and can be trained to do tricks.
While chew toys can not be considered part of a chin the diet, they are very important. Lumberyard, lava rock, and even cardboard tube toys are great items to add to your cage. Serious dental problems can occur when a chinchilla can not chew. As rodents, they need to take care of their teeth, or they will overgrow.
Chins are a finicky pet, so do not be surprised if you find that your friend does not like to find some pellet or a piece of fruit. You need to know your pet. While picky, not to leave her to refrain from their own pellets in the food bowl. You have to clean out the food bowl often. This means you wash it out, not only from the chin dumping feces....