Guinea Pig Habitats - Be Sure to Fun Toys

You have already chosen your cage, hay, feel water bottles, hay rack, and all the other essential supplies you need to make your pig at home. It is one of the best little guinea pig habitats you could have possibly set up. It looks like truthfully the ideal environment for eating, drinking, sleeping, and of course, poop. While it may be that your cage may be appropriate, even the fussy high-maintenance pigs, life in the same cage day after day can be boring for pigs. So what you can do to increase your pet comfortable quarters and to entertain him? 

One thing for when you're shopping for guinea pig supplies online or at your local pet store inspect the next time, the role of toys in creating stimulating guinea pig habitats. Toys are a great way to exercise your pig physically and mentally to help. And when you consider how much these lazy pigs to sleep and eat a bit of exercise and cognitive stimulation and again can certainly be crucial. 

Another great thing about toys is that they actually serve two purposes. Not only do they entertain your pig, but to wear for guinea pigs as well as chewing objects work their long teeth. As the owner of five guinea pigs, I can not stress enough how important this enough. If you do not chew your guinea pig with things, you will run the risk that their teeth can overgrow and eventually they will not be able to close his mouth. This can be very uncomfortable for your pig, but most importantly, it can lead to serious health problems. 

So if you are looking for a toy for your pig, for one that is suitable for gnawing and chewing. Wooden ones tend to be favorites for guinea pigs. In this way you will not only help to prevent your pig health problems, but also help prevent unwanted vet bills themselves. 

But if you are in the pet industry transition surrounded by hundreds of toys, as you know exactly what your little one will enjoy the most? Well, recently my five pigs had their first experience with a toy called a Nut Nibbler. Basically, the toy of colorful wooden sticks together in a dome shape with a walnut in the center as noisemakers. When my family bought the first toy, I was very doubtful that my pigs would not pay attention - as guinea pigs to be unknown, playful like cats and dogs. However, when I placed the mother Nibbler in their cage, I was surprised to discover that they did not just curious, but actually enjoy it you nibble and slide it around. In fact, after leaving the pigs alone with his mother nibbler for a few hours, I went to all five of them sleep around him as if it were a security blanket to find. And to this day, every time I put the nut nibblers in their cage, they flock to him immediately. 

The point i would like to emphasize is that even though my pigs, this nut nibblers worship, as if it were a guinea pig god, another pig, it seems to be on just another thing to poop. In other words, each different and pig you need to try more than a toy, before you find one that strikes your interest pork. No matter, I recommend that you give your guinea pig to push fun toys and chew to keep him happy and healthy to try. The bottom line is: fun toys are a great way to improve the livability of most guinea pig habitats....

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