Iguanas are great pets and surprisingly affectionate, they will make an interesting issue to your household. But it is important you give your iguana care and lots of attention. In this article I will explain the basics of what you need to create a suitable environment for your pet
Height As with most pets people fall in love with the babies of the species and often give little thought to the size that they are. An iguana can be long at about 2 feet from the muzzle grow ventilation (SLV) with a 3 meter long tail
Picking an iguana. The iguana you want to be active and alert with bright clear eyes. Lookout for any kind of abrasions or wounds.
Observe their environment when it is unclean or feces lying around somewhere else to go. Young iguanas are particularly vulnerable to harmful bacteria.
Basic Iguana Care Housing A baby iguana is in a 30 to 50 gallon tank with many small branches scurrying around on order. But soon you will need a cage that will accommodate your growing iguana. The most important criterion for your housing is its height as iguanas are arboreal (tree dwellers) so they need to bounce the room.
The bottom of the cage should be lined with orchid bark, carpet or artificial turf. Wood chips are a bad idea because they attract insects and termites. Never use cedar chips as they can be toxic.
Use as your iguana can move a lot of branches. But remember they have to be able to support the weight of your pet.
Heating Iguanas are cold blooded so need a temperature between 90 to 100 degrees F. This will help them to digest their food properly and ward off diseases.
Heat source While in a tank, you can use conventional spotlight lamps. Or other alternatives are heat tape and underground heating
You will also need a good thermometer. Nutrition Most iguanas are herbivores so stay away from all animal protein or human has no junk food, as this can lead to kidney failure.
Important: Spinach is defiantly from the menu, as this may be toxic to them An iguana diet must be rich in calcium and vitamin D3 and have little or no phosphorus in it. If you are starting out, it is best for commercial iguana ready to buy food and to complement this with a couple of raw vegetables....
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