Many issues come into play if the increase a pet. Owners and breeders often lost track of the little things that can result in illness, injury and disease. Leopard gecko problems are usually caused by something she ate, or a fight that they were in. For example, if an owner feeds its gecko, he or she does not feed him enough to eat. This can result in a lean gecko not carry sufficient fat reserves. Proper care is important when dealing with a live being and mistakes can be detrimental to their health.
Good nutrition is a basic necessity for leopard geckos. If these animals are hungry, they will eat what is in their cage, even things that are not able to digest, right. This can lead to disability digestive tract. Gravel, soil and sand are all obstacles that your eating gecko, if can not leave their cage. Therefore, you should always make sure that whatever you leave in the cage after cleaning small enough that they can ingest it without a problem.
The result of eating one of the above obstacles can lead to fatal blockages. To prevent this from happening to avoid your pet, make sure a lot of nutritious and fresh food feed so that it does not try to eat something else. So, make sure that the cage is free from any harmful obstacles.
Sometimes the owners do not feed the geckos enough nutrients in their diets such as calcium. This generally results in the animal tries to eat a substrate for a source of calcium to search. This is very harmful to the gecko and can cause severe constipation. Make sure there is always a fresh dish of calcium in their cage. Calcium supplements can be found for sale at almost any pet store.
Mouth infection is another major problem with these lizards. This happens when the animal struggles, has a dirty cage, or has an accident. A sign of an infected mouth large swelling. An antibiotic is a good way to treat mouth infections. A clean living area is prevented, so you want to infections of any kind to clean the cage once or twice every two days.
Another issue that comes into play is a lot of respiratory infection. Respiratory infection is caused when the habitat that the gecko is cold in living is too long. To cure this infection, you need to warm up a few degrees to the cage and leave it at that temperature. All mucus bubbles that form around the nostrils is a sign of infection of the respiratory tract, is shortness of breath.
One major problem that many owners have is male leopard geckos in the same cage. First of all, should not be placed with another male gecko gecko, because they are constantly fighting. Only females should be together and that can sometimes be a problem. These animals tend to pick on the most vulnerable, so if you notice that one of them is always hidden, you should immediately from the cage. The thing you want to think that they do not like crowded together in small spaces. Give them some privacy....
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