Tame Siberian Silver Foxes

In 1959, an experiment began at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics in Russia for a better understanding of the evolutionary pressure of selection. This experiment was a group of foxes from an Estonian Coat Factory, which have been selectively breeding only the friendly and tame animals by nature of the group were collected. This experiment has now led for 40 years in a series of extremely tame Siberian silver foxes as pets praised desirable. 

This tame foxes are an amazing development in both studies domestication and selective behavior. Tame foxes are beautiful animals, the serenity and independence of a cat and capture the excitable and playful character of the dogs. These foxes are by many pet owners as an amazing and endearing combination of these two common house pets. 

Silver foxes, can be imported from Russia pets are kept as indoor or outdoor area and provide for amazing companion. Indoors, these animals can be kept much like cats. They can even be trained to use a litter box be. Outdoors, these creative creatures must be kept in an enclosed space, because they curious enough to escape, if not supervised or contained. 

These exotic pets are unique in their personality and style. Their silky coats come in a variety of different patterns, so no two foxes look exactly the same. These animals are unlike any other animal that you care, and are sure to be rewarding pets in any environment. 

Please if you are considering adding a domesticated fox to your family, visit the website of Austin Vet clinics a veterinarian who care find fox for your pet....

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