The Best Toys for a ferret

Ferrets and small children have a lot in common. Many ferret ferret owners call "eternal toddlers." So perhaps it is not surprising that many of the best toys are very similar to the best toy for a toddler for a ferret, with a few exceptions. 

Large ferret toys that toddlers like
Boxing: What is a toddler's favorite toy? Is it the new truck grandmother sent her? No, it's the box that grandma sent in. the truck are similar to ferrets. You like boxing. Seal the box up and put a hole large enough for the ferret to crawl through. Ferrets are grave animals. They love dark, enclosed spaces. Put something soft in there, and they could nap in it. Also, do not be surprised if your ferrets are stored their treasures in their box. Remember to throw the box after a few months, and replace it. Ferret-y musk embeds itself in the field. 

Papers and Strings: Toddlers love with the wrapping paper and ribbons to the present in. Your ferret will love this wound was to play, but you need to monitor it and you have to take the ribbon and paper when you are done playing. This is not a long term toy, but they do it for a while to enjoy. 

Developed plastic toy houses for babies and young toddlers to the game are ideal for ferrets: small houses. Where the toddler practices and sliding doors opening tiny mini-slides, like the ferrets go through the tiny doors, down the slides and hides in the closets. 

Trench Box: Toddlers love sandboxes. Also do ferrets. They love to dig. It is a kind of messy, put a sand box in your house, so a better idea is a rice field. Get a plastic storage bin (the kind that you store Christmas decorations in). I like the clear plastic container. Then let about 50 pounds of cheap rice and put it in the offer. Take the lid on the container and cut a big hole in ferret him. Put the lid on the container and tape it down. For extra fun ferret-y, bury some treats in the rice box. My ferrets love their dig box. Check the box on a regular basis though. Some ferrets think the trench box is a litter box. (Fortunately, none of mine that still. Intended) 

Small plush animals: ferrets love small toys that they fit in the mouth and can "steal." I have a box of these toys. I have many of them from my kids' Happy Meals, and my children have some toys donated. I have the ferret made a few toys to. Every night I collect all the toys and put them in a toy box. The next day, some of the Ferrets move diligently, every toy, one by one, from the toybox their stash. Remember to check your toys regularly for damage. Take away toys, the leak beans or filling because the filling and could be dangerous for your fuzzy beans. 

An important toys that small children do not
Tubes: Ferrets are tunnels, grave to animals, and as such, they love tubes. Most people get their ferrets channel through plastic tubes sold as ferret toys. I have this, and my ferrets love them. A few of the ferrets love them too much and bite through the pipes to damage them. My solution to this problem is to go to the hardware store. The plumbing section has slight cut, ripped, hard plastic tubes with slits in it. These are much cheaper than the pet store version, and my ferrets they have never been destroyed. The only downside to these tubes is that you can not see through the pipes. 

For all your ferrets' toys, remember
Remember to regularly check all of your ferrets' toys for damage. Make sure the toys are safe secure. Toys that are sure one day can not be sure the next day....

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