The best ways to care for & Feed Your Pet Gopher Snake

Learn all about nutrition and care for your pet gopher snakeThe Gopher Snakes HomeGopher snakes do not need expensive place to live. Probably the most important consideration is to ensure that the housing can be secured well. If you do not back it may push the queue when enough out. All it takes is a hole that her head fit through and they're gone. This snake is making a good escape artists so that you do not have to search the house for them, since all members of the family may not like snakes as much as your do.

If you frequently use your snake to treat it or leave it, you can practice it a body as small as 10 gallons. If you keep it locked most of the time need to be happy at least a 20 gallon tank or housing for them. There were reports of a gopher snake always up to 8 feet long, so make sure you. Sufficiently large enclosure for the future The length of the housing must be at least two-thirds the length of the snake to give them room to stretch.

Substrate must beGopher snakes do not need special substrates. As long as it can provide warmth and comfort for the snake, then it is good to go. However, there are some important things to consider needs of their substrate. Such as aspen shavings are good substrate but do not use cedar as it could cause problems with their breathing. Potting soil is good because it is easy to clean after them. Sand or gravel is not recommended because it is not a good absorber. The use of these will only promote the growth of bacteria. Shredded paper is fine as long as it does not have ink on it. A product call Repti-turf is very good, as well as indoor / outdoor carpet and astro-turf.

Right temperature for a Gopher SnakeLike most snakes your pet snake needs to have the proper heating in their enclosure. A good way to do this is with a heating pad under half of the housing. In this way, they have a warm environment and a cooler one. The warm environment should be kept 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a necessity, because it is needed in the digestion of their food. At night the temperature can drop the temperature must be controlled.

Feeding the Gopher SnakeGopher snakes are very easy to feed as they frozen and thawed mice or rats eat and must be fed only once every 10 days. The good thing is that you keep a good supply of food in the freezer. Although in the wild these snakes do not feed on live prey those creatures live in captivity. You could temporarily from the snake bite and it could cause injury.

Water is a must for gopher snakesYour pet gopher snake requires clean, fresh water at all times. The container must be large enough for him to get his body into as they occasionally like to bathe. Snakes often do in their water, in which case it should be immediately cleaned and disinfected.

Handling Your Pet SnakeIf you must handle your pet snake you tender, but at the same unyielding. A baby gopher snake can be taken with one hand, but an adult snake has picked up with both hands. They will not coil around your arm like a python, but will try to lose weight. To control, it's just gently turn the head in the desired direction it go

At some time in a pet gopher snake you're likely to get something. There are 2 types of snake bites connected with your pet. The strike is one where they are not happy with you. You do not have to depend on. While this hurts the bite is not poisonous and should only be disinfected. The other type is the feeding bite and is a little more serious. The reason for this is that it tries to eat what part of you that she has her teeth in. The more you try to get away, the more it keeps on. A little bit of grain (not rubbing) alcohol in his mouth it is to let go almost immediately. Listerine will also work. Be sure to get it into the nose. Biting is rare so do not let this discourage always a gopher snake for a pet.

The gopher snake as a petWhile corn snakes and ball pythons are probably more popular as pets, you should a gopher snake. They probably have the best overall temperament of this kind of snake. They are very similar to the corn snake in their breeding and feeding needs. They are easy to feed as they eat frozen mice, and only need to be fed every 10 days or so. You have nothing against it, and handled only bite if provoked or hungry. Even strangers will be able to handle a trained pet snake. Before you determine what type of line to read as a pet, the gopher snake and you may just decide that is the pet snake for you.

If you are a pet owner or thinking about it, to be one, you should go to the website Natural Health pets more information on natural pets health foods, products & cures get. You can also find general information such as the pros and cons of owning along with the caring for & feeding of all types of pets from dogs to snakes, fish to exotics.

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