Zebra Finches make great pets

Like most finches, zebra finches are native to central Australia. They are also the most popular pet finches available. One of the reasons why it is the preferred pet for their lifetime. While they live in the wilderness for an average of five years, if kept in captivity they can live up to ten or twelve years. A bird on record lived an outstanding fourteen and a half years. 

Finches, zebra finches are particularly known for their beautiful songs. The males of this species often serenade the females in and out of the mating season. Every man has his own song, which is different from the other men. The interesting thing is that men of the same bloodline often have similar songs. Many people believe this is because the children usually learn the songs of their fathers. 

The males of this species are the only ones with a talent for singing. Their song begins as a few notes, but through experimentation, they quickly produce the kind of song that is typical for finches. Zebra finches' songs have been known to change during puberty. Before puberty, their s
ongs missing the polish and finesse of an adult. 

These songs are important for the finches lifestyle because they are part of the male mating call. The females choose their partners because mainly because of their songs. Sound in general is an important part of their lives. During mating, they produce a high-pitched whining sound. If they spend the protection of areas a hissing sound in defense. 

While they are not the most colorful of finches, zebra finches do have very distinctive markings that make them unique in the bird world. Combining these markers with their beautiful songs make them one of the most popular pets today. Your physical activities can attract the attention of many people, but their simple needs of the people they love. 

With a voracious appetite, these little birds will quickly consume large quantities of millet, which is their preferred food. While they can eat a lot, and tend to be messy eaters, they are also very simple, with simple millet sprays please. Along with much millet, these animals must be supplied with plenty of fresh and clean water. Like most finches, zebra finches also enjoy the occasional scrambled egg as a reward. 

Another reason is the preferred bird for pet owners is the ease with which to breed them in captivity. With the right food and care, a pair of zebra finches is easy mate in captivity. Throw in a little knowledge of their owners, and they will quickly produce more small birds. These birds can be territorial once nesting begins and should be disturbed as little as possible. The majority of them are good parents with a high survival rate for their young. 

No matter what the reasons for getting pet finches, zebra finches are the preferred species for new and experienced bird owners. They are happy little birds that will bring a smile to most people. The easy care makes this simple feathered package even easier to integrate into almost any household.

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