How to tell if your pet is happier

This week we will look at how to tell if your pet is happy to look! Cat or dog, fish or horse, we will tell the story telling sign of a healthy, happy pet, life is love.

You can tell if you have a cheeky puppies when their eyes are bright, their stories are high and wagging, and their ears are swiveling. Sleep plays a major role in whether or not your dog is happy when they get 8-10 hours of sleep per night, then they should have a good amount of energy for the day, but if your dog sleeps all day, this could mean they are bored or even lonely. A sure sign that your dog loves you, how happy they are when you are coming home when their stories are waved, and they can not wait to welcome you and sniff you see where you are then you have have a cheerful chum.

A happy cat is perhaps the best company you can have. You can tell quite easily if you have a happy cat. If her tail is straight up in the air and picked it means his feeling optimistic. If your cat is excited, then you see his head facing forward, this is their special way to say hello to you! If your cat rubs his head on her hand then he really wants you to him some excitement. And if your cat feels really funny they can even head butt you! Another way to tell if moggy feels is spirited when they sing their happiness. Cats can be very independent, but if they glad that they are really sociable. If your cat has had a great day, or they want to tell you how much they love you all tell by meowing and purring.

Rabbits also show you if they are in a good mood and they do so through what is known as 'Binky'. You may have noticed your rabbit suddenly jumped into the air and turn the head and body in opposite directions, this is a Binky and a binky means that your rabbit is happy! Another way to show your rabbit likes you, he cares if by grooming if your rabbit lick it means that it feels comfortable around you and you can see a part of their little bunny family. You know the little nose wiggle your rabbit makes? This means that its excited! A slower wiggle nose means that your rabbit is calm and relaxed.

A happy horse will respect its owner as "herd leader" by not invading your personal space. Other symptoms are responsive and quiet, with a lowered head, gentle eyes and a relaxed jaw. A horse will also yawn to you when they are relaxed and peaceful.

If you could have a reptile like a lizard it difficult to assess whether or not her happy. However, if your reptile is comfortable enough to fall asleep on or near you it means that his satisfied and appeased. It is similar with fish, it can be difficult to identify your feelings, but if your fish swims actively through the tank, not just on the floor or in the vicinity of plants then your fish is having a gay old time.

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