Equine herpes virus (EHV) has imposed upon its back. There
are two confirmed cases of EHV in Somerset, UK, and the events have a
horse owner, the Scots will be canceled and tightly restrict their
horses to their farms, caused in an attempt to thwart the disease.
What is EHV?EHV is a common disease. Most cases are relatively mild and pass without much concern. At its worst, EHV paralysis and death. EHV can also lead to abortion in pregnant mares.There are three types of EHV together with the UK. Type 3 is a sexually transmitted disease. Types 1 and 4 are in the air. The cases in Somerset were confirmed as type 1.
What is EHV?EHV is a common disease. Most cases are relatively mild and pass without much concern. At its worst, EHV paralysis and death. EHV can also lead to abortion in pregnant mares.There are three types of EHV together with the UK. Type 3 is a sexually transmitted disease. Types 1 and 4 are in the air. The cases in Somerset were confirmed as type 1.
The symptoms of EHVEHV can be hard to see how they can be mistaken for many other diseases. Some horses show no symptoms, but may be carriers of the disease and infect others.Symptoms are:
- General malaise
- High Temperature
- A cough
- Nasal discharge
- Difficulty urinating
- 'Wobbliness'
May break pregnant mares and their foals up to 12 weeks after contracting EHV. Most
abortions occur in late pregnancy, and are suddenly and unexpectedly,
with the mare healthy and content appear a few hours earlier.
TreatmentIf you suspect that your horse has EHV, isolate him to the vet, and advise all horse owners whose horses have been in contact with you. The Court should be closed without movement of horses in and out of the yard.
There are no specific veterinary treatment for EHV. The vet may prescribe antibiotics for any secondary bacterial infections that are present to control. The most important treatment for EHV is calm, and to recognize a close eye on any worsening of symptoms.
Prevention and ControlVeterinarians recommend that horses regularly mix with other horses outside of the court, should be vaccinated against EHV. Unfortunately, the vaccinations are only against the respiratory symptoms of the disease, and not neurological. Vaccinations are only healthy horses should be given. Vaccinations may be wearing horse, who are suspected EHV so that the impact of the disease can get worse.
EHV is highly contagious. Since it is an air-sickness, it is easy for horses to them merge. It can also of horses touching objects that were contaminated by infected horses distributed. Simple hygiene measures such as washing your hands after petting a strange horse, are recommended.