Bearded Dragon Spotlight - What is a bearded dragon?

Bearded dragons are a species of reptile, formally named Pogona. There are different types of beardies, but are the most common bearded dragons for sale in the United States Pogona vitticeps. These beardies originating in Central Australia and have a variety of colors.

Beardies live in Australia under rocky and wooded areas where there are plenty of places to hide, sun themselves, and find food. Since beardies love to climb, many homeowners come across them sitting on fence posts and even on her porch.

Although there are different types of food eating beardies, their main food source of small insects and small animals for protein. Beardies also eat a good portion of green leafy vegetation for nutrients and as a source of water. Another major source of water for them watermelon because they love watermelon and about 50% water.

The first beardies were known to have been smuggled into the United States. They were then grown and spread, spread throughout the United States. Today, there are bearded dragons for sale from breeders and from pet stores.

Those that are sold, around six to eight weeks old and are generally about five inches long, but fully grown, it can bear up to 24 inches long. Bearded dragon colors also vary, depending on the parents' genes. They are found in many different shades of brown to black, white, red, orange, pink, and even contain some blue and green tones, beardy with unique designs and patterns on each.

Now that you've read a little about beardies, head over to everything you need to know about them, they have as pets to find. Health Issues and Solutions. Care Guides. Cage requirements.

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