Chickens for pets

When most people think of the word animal they hear something hairy, scaly or occasion. But most people can not imagine a chicken for a pet. I have found that chickens make great pets. They are relatively independent beings, and fairly easy to maintain,. Although chicken is not enough, they offer many hours of entertainment. If you enjoy spending time on the farm, they will be happy to keep you company. Chickens are unusual and wonderful animals. 

One of the nicest aspects of the chickens as pets is their diverse personalities. It is usually a domineering hen in each pile. They love the other boss, share their opinions loudly, and the first in line for food. We call our hen bossy britches. I can not remember if that is for Bossy Britches or if they thought she was too big for her britches short. We enjoy watching them keep the other ladies in line. Most herds is also a curious hen or two.  

They love to explore and examine everything regardless of the trouble they can get into. Cricket is our curious bird. You will get bored of hanging out with the other birds, and skips the 6 ft fence around our run at least once per day. Their curiosity has left in precarious emergencies on more than one occasion. It makes us laugh. Sometimes chickens are shy, others are more passive, some listen to cluck, other experts are to catch even the most difficult insects. I think it variation of personalities among chickens there. Best of all, they are found as pets 

Chickens are not picky pets. Their needs are few, shelter, food, water, scratch space, and to deal with some of them. It's easy enough to fill her food and watering and let them protected in a coop, so you spend the weekend away from home. They will not eat your shoes or poop on the bed, while your away. And if you are to greet you with hot chuckles of approval again. 

Another great thing about chickens is that they grow quickly. You can enjoy their fuzzy cuteness in spring and in autumn they are fully grown birds. Animal Babies are cute and lovable, but they take a lot of time and care. Chicks need your attention for a few weeks, but they are willing to take for themselves before long. This can be a great advantage when the time that you can devote babyhood is limited. 

Chickens are wonderful animals. You will never regret your decision to raise chickens because they. Definition of fun...

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