The best way to handle an Aggressive Dog

There is no greater reason for a dog over to a shelter or put down as aggression. There are literally millions of reported dog bites annually in the United States, many of them serious enough to require medical attention. The majority of bites are actually the ones given in the dog's "human family", most often children and older people. It is deal in the best interest of both the dog and dog owners with aggression problems quickly between when the problem first surfaces.

Dogs of all sizes and breeds can be aggressive, and while genetics do play a role, other factors also contribute to the problem. There are certain breeds that simply more common than others, such as Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Pit Bulldogs, Chow Chows and attack. This is not to say that each of these dogs can not make good pets, but it does mean that more care must be taken if the increase be an aggressive breed.

Often dogs become aggressive when they are afraid, apparently with the motto that the best defense is an offense. A dog exhibits aggression include fear that may not have to abuse at some point - some dogs are just born shy and timid. That is why it is so important to choose when selecting a puppy from a litter not one that hangs again. If you do not already fearful dog, you can help the dog to overcome this by introducing it. Situations in which it will be around people and other dogs

Dominance aggression Occurs when the dog is looking at the front of the field to be about the people in the household. Often starts when the dog is still a puppy, usually in a race that tends more towards aggression. The puppy will growl or bite if a person goes near his food bowl or trying to remove a toy. It is true that French Bulldogs are not very aggressive, but we learned from the beginning that we were allowed food from their mouths, if we wanted. The 'pack order' should be determined using positive reinforcement and patience from the beginning - the dog should realize that every person in the house it is in the pecking order.

Dogs are territorial and protective of nature, but when these instincts are too strong, aggression may come in the form of an attack. A dog goes crazy when someone comes to the door can be a hazard if it happens to loose. Once again, it will take time and patience to overcome this aggressive behavior. I found with my French to me when someone comes into the house to see what my reaction, and I suspect that many dogs take their cue from their owners, so a quiet greeting guest will also help to keep your dog calm. Once my dogs, that the person is welcome, they will be allowed to greet him or her as an old friend.

If you have a dog with aggression problems, it is in your best interest to help the dog overcome this behavior as soon as possible. An aggressive dog can seriously injure someone, and that could result in a lawsuit and the destruction of the animal. Unless the dog is really crazy roomates is always possible, an aggressive dog can be trained to behave in a normal way.

The first thing to do when a dog is acting aggressively, or to bring him to the vet. It is always possible that a hidden illness or injury caused the dog to be irritable and cut. If the dog is in order, then you should immediately seek help to resolve the problem. If you are a dog trainer himself, or worked extensively with dogs, it is best to have the dog under the care of a professional. Your veterinarian is the best source for information about who its best Able to treat your dog.

A dog that rushes out at you while barking, growling, snarling or scary, and may be dangerous. While there are times when an attack is Regardless of what you do wrong, there are ways to defuse an attack, and actions that will be.

If an aggressive dog approaches, regardless of how you actually feel, with a quiet façade. Dogs are very good at picking behavior information and act on it, and if you are jumpy and fidgety, it's much more likely that the dog attack. No eye contact with the dog, keep your eyes down and begin to recede slowly. Aggressive dogs eye contact as a challenge and see more than likely take it on. Never, never run when a dog attacks. If you run, you are a prey animal turned around and all of the dog's predatory instincts will surface - so the dog on you as it does a rabbit.

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