Buy a Chinchilla Cage - Basic Guidelines

If you decide to keep chinchillas as pets, you will need to get them to an appropriate cage. Not all cages for small animals are suitable for chinchillas, although like them so at first glance. There are certain things that you consider when shopping for a cage for them. Put them in the correct cage and they thrive and make lovely pets. 

Height If you understand the nature of chinchillas, you will know that they need plenty of space to roam, jump and climb. So it will not do to squeeze them into a small cage that offers little room to move. Chinchillas can jump as high as 6 feet, which is why a small plane cage is not the best environment to accommodate your pets in. 

Preferably, you should choose a cage with multiple levels. A cage like this leaves room for your chinchillas both horizontally and vertically to move. Ramps from one level to another also makes it more fun for you as you see your chinchillas move into the cage. 

While large cages are expensive, consider it a worthwhile investment. Note that a chinchilla can live up to 15 years and a suitable good quality cage is certainly worth it in the long run. 

Construction The recommended ones are made of wire mesh cages. Since chinchillas like to chew wood and plastic cages are better not used. Wire mesh also makes the cage well ventilated, which is a must because chinchillas have dense fur. 

At the same time the wire mesh cage should be free of coating and chew-proof. You certainly do not want your chinchillas chewing on coated wire mesh because this can cause digestive problems and other health problems and can even lead to death. 

The other thing to note is the bottom of the cage. Chinchillas can sometimes hurt their feet walking on a wire mesh floor. To avoid this problem, you can use a piece of cloth to cover it up or look for a cage with smaller mesh size in order to minimize the risk of injury. 

Removable Tray Most cages now have a removable tray at the bottom for easy cleaning. You just have to pull out to clean it and then push it back in after you are done. It works wonderfully for wire mesh cages as mentioned above. 

However, for solid-bottomed cages, cleaning can be very much of a hassle though this may be the preferred option if you keep chinchillas. You can newspapers make things a little easier, although you will need to ensure that your pets do not end up chewing it. 

Therefore, the accessibility becomes important. When it comes to cleaning, you want to be able to reach every nook and corner to wipe him good. You have to clean the cage often anyway for good hygiene practice and that is why you should go for cages with larger doors and keep accessible from different sides. 

Equipment If you get a big cage for your chinchilla, it will usually come with ramps, rails and other accessories. They are mostly made of plastic. You need to carefully monitor that your chinchillas are not chewing on these accessories. If they are, they should be replaced. 

Opt for an investor who is also on the side of the cage, if you can. Sometimes it is better to have as an investor in a court cage, because it can be messy if the court is upset. 

Finally, make sure that the cage is placed in an area with good ventilation. Chinchilla is overheating, if the environment is too hot and humid. Hence, avoid places with direct sunlight and control the room temperature, especially during the summer months to ensure that your chinchillas do not feel too warm.

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