Multiple Benefits of Bee Honey

Honey has been known as a valuable food for a long time. Honey offers several advantages for human life shown by its significance in many traditions, culture and religion. It has been used to in various cooking and baking, or just as a spread. It is also used as a sweetener in many beverages such as tea and several commercial beverages. 

But the prominent benefits of honey is the health benefits. Almost every religion proposes the use of honey for the purposes of healing and health keeping. The Holy Quran, for example, sees the benefits of honey in Surah An-Nahl (The Honey Bee), she says: 

And your Lord inspired the bee, saying:. "Take dwellings in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect Then eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of your Lord made easy (for you)." It comes from their bellies a drink of varying color (honey), which is healing for men. Verily, in this is indeed a sign for people who (An-Nahl, Aya 68 - 69) think 

As she says, is in fact a lot of valuable honey for health. Countless research has shown several benefits for our health. And here are a few benefits taken from the long list of honey health and medical benefits to mention. 

Natural energy boosters. Honey is an excellent source of carbohydrates to produce the fuel, energy and strength of our body. Two major components of a typical sugar honey are fructose (38.2%) and glucose (31.3%), sucrose and maltose about 8.4%, and water (17.2%). 

Glucose is the form of sugar that is readily absorbed by the cells of the energy it could immediately obtain promoting effect. Fructose is absorbed at a slower pace thus long-lasting energy. After these two forms of sugar in the honey makes it a perfect quick and lasting energy booster. This advantage has been used by athletes to improve their performance, increase endurance and reduce muscle fatigue. 

Anti-cancer effect. Some investigations and evaluations have clearly shown that certain types of honey polyphenols tested in laboratorial facilities to showed a promising anti-proliferative agent. But it is proposed by other scientists that these findings are followed by clinical studies to further validation should, before it is applied in practice. 

Antioxidant effect. Free radicals and reactive oxygen species have been aging and disease in human connection. To overcome this man trying to provide the resources, the high antioxidant foods, where honey is one of the best choice to protect to meet this requirement. 

An experiment with two honey treatment showed that the phenolic compound found in honey, the antioxidant activity of the blood plasma increases. This can be speculated that this could therefore delay the aging process improve protection against oxidative stress in healthy humans. 

Anti-bacterial and anti-septic effect. A study by Dr. M. Subrahmanyam (1991) shows that honey is effective for the prevention of infections due to its antibacterial or bacteriostatic properties particularly in slowing the growth of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. 9 He isolated bacteria in burn wounds and apparently missed all the bacteria found at a concentration of 30% honey in a Mueller-Hinton (MH) medium to grow. 

To show a further study of Tumkur Ramachandriah Shamala and friends that honey has remarkable antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli tested on honey feeding the animals under in vitro and in vivo conditions and demonstrate the potential health benefits when animals with honey regularly have been fed. 

In fact, honey was used for wound healing in recent times due to its antibacterial properties. But with the introduction of penicillin and other antibiotics in the twentieth century have healing qualities of honey have been removed. However, it is still considered the traditional treatment used in many communities. 

Other anti-bacterial benefits of honey and is still used:

Good remedy of sore throat and cough
Good antiseptic dressing for burns and open wounds
Anti-diarrheal and promotes rehydration. 

Other known benefits of honey contains support blood formation, heals the skin moisturizing, insomnia (sleeplessness) healing, ulcers and alcohol hangover recovery....

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