5 Considerations for Selecting Big Girl Cat Names

Name your new cat is a serious matter, contrary to popular belief. It is not something that one at the last minute or emotional, but a complex exercise that should be taken with great care in attack to do. To avoid unnecessary embarrassment and of course your cat to protect themselves from the ridicule of other cat owners, follow these five simple steps and you will be assured of a great cat names. 

Tip 1 - Take a long-term perspective. As is the case when naming a baby person, you need to check the durability of the name, consider the give your kitten. Granted, the parents are always easily done with this long-term prospects naming their human children, "Talitha" and "Lucifer" and the like, thinking it's funny, or a greeting to some sub-culture, but when it comes to cats is the thing much more serious. Cats are infinitely more social than people wandering all night and meows all the time, such as the importance of their name, they must be thinking! 

Tip 2 - Do not be ironic with colors. If your cat is black, it deserves a black name. If your cat is white, it deserves a white sounding name (I mean not black and white in terms of the African versus Caucasian - I strictly about the colors of course). Not into the dark side of thinking, where you will call out your ginger cat "Greenie" or Black Cat "Milk". It's not funny and it does not help your cat's self-esteem at all, trust me that 

Tip 3 - Research the history of the name before you apply them. How embarrassing it would be to call something your cat only to discover later, the word is an adaptation of the ancient Hebrew word for "poo" or similar. It is important to be thorough in your examination of the etymology of the name of your cat before you apply it to your cat. Cats are very intelligent and you never know what they learn - especially if they are going to roaming at night. 

Tip 4 - Be creative. In particular, I'm all those people who refer call her cat "cat" and her dog "dog." There have been numerous studies around the world, year after year, show the most popular name for cats, "cat", and to my way of thinking this is totally unacceptable. If you can not be bothered to create a suitable name that reflected something of the cat on his species, you do not deserve to be a cat owner. Give your cat the compliment about their care by actually putting effort into their names! 

Tip 5 - Market research is fundamental. Your cat is part of your family and friends become (if you all and of course it is good if you do not, because not everyone does and have to do it alone is cool, what cats have is), so you want to make sure that your cat's name is appropriate for your group. Create a short list of names and run it through your contacts first and get feedback. The terrible name will be quickly thrown into the litter box and the best will shine. I love cats. 

Proper preparation prevents poor performance! Never forget this and put so much effort into naming your new cat as you would with the appointment of a new human ... This is a very serious activity and make sure to treat it that way. Your cat will thank you....

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