Equine summer eczema

Equine summer eczema is one of those problems that will be faced almost every horse owner sooner or later. 

Also known by various other names in different countries, is a state summer eczema, which rose from a sensitivity and physical reaction to insect bites. 

Hypersensitivity can be induced by a variety of insects and other, non-related, conditions. However, the most important insects are responsible for cases of sweet itch get bites from mosquitoes, black flies and horse. Stings of wasps and bees can also prompt an allergic reaction. Of these, the saliva of mosquito bites is the most prominent cause of adverse skin reactions horse, commonly known as sweet itch. 

Unfortunately, in an affected horse, the autoimmune system reacts to the saliva left behind after a mosquito bite, and this often causes an intolerable itching left. The horse will constantly rub against objects in an attempt to relieve the itching, but that will probably aggravate the condition, breaking the skin and opening up the possibility of secondary infections. 

The typical tell-tale signs of summer eczema is a hardening of the skin, mane and tail damage, bald spots on the body and scaly skin. In severe cases, weeping wonderful, ulcerated skin and open wounds is obvious. 

As any horse owner knows there are several preventive measures and treatments that are used to try and alleviate the worst symptoms of sweet itch can. 

Preventive measures to avoid insect bites one way or another to concentrate. Carpets and face masks are used to form a physical barrier on the skin of the horse. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cover the horse and it will always remain part of the skin prone to be insect bites. Limited your horse stables, once you notice the mosquito season has begun, perhaps can take the most effective preventive measure owners. Mounting openings with a stable insect increases the efficiency. How effective this method may be, it is unlikely to be a practical solution. Most owners would not want their horse stables for long periods of time limited, even if it was more convenient to do this. 

As a halfway measure, as mosquitoes are most active at dusk, horses are in the stable from early evening until morning. 

The weather is also a factor in mosquito numbers and activity. The mosquito must be free standing water to breed in the so that can drastically reduce a prolonged dry spell midge numbers. In contrast, warm, moisture can make a strong increase in mosquito numbers and activity. 

With an insect repellent can also provide some protection. This is not a risk-free solution though. There are a number of common components, which are widely used in these products, the unwanted side effects may be responsible. 

For example, to those of benzyl benzoate to be effective to thoroughly rubbed into the skin. An undesirable side effect of benzyl benzoate is that it act as a skin irritant. Most effective when it is worked deep into the skin, hair loss or any area of ​​existing open wounds is extremely negative reaction to its application as it. 

Remedies including glucocorticoids have found useful, but care should be taken. Pregnant mares and horses prone to laminitis are not suited to these formulations. 

As is usually the case with health issues, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, insecticides and repellents will prove most effective when applied before any cases occurred from insect bites. 

Once hypersensitivity was induced and the symptoms of summer eczema to appear, the owner must seriously of measures to manage these symptoms. Just as is the case with the human skin care skin care can horses respond well to appropriate treatment. 

Because of the intense itching that accompanies hypersensitivity, a horse is suffering from sweet itch incessantly rub against trees, fences and other hard objects. Of course, although this action can provide temporary relief to provide the horse, it is not on the on-going itching. Rubbing is therefore repeated at regular intervals and this can lead to skin damage and mane. The ability to lead inevitably exuding wounds and lesions, which in turn may increase the problem of public bacterial infections. It is therefore very desirable to use an antipruritic to reduce the itching. 

Antihistamines and natural products such as aloe vera can help. However, some antihistamines such as hydroxyzine and corticosteroids can induce unwanted side effects and so their use should be closely monitored. 

Some horse owners reported that the use of natural ingredients, such as a sulfur-based shampoo appears to produce a reduction of its friction horse. This finding is not through formal veterinary studies confirmed though. Therefore, the usefulness and scope of their value is questioned. 

Unfortunately, regardless of what measures and treatments that you can employ, once a horse has sweet itch, you will probably be able to completely eliminate it until the mosquito season ended. Thus, the management of the symptoms that you are the most important line of defense. Having said that, and not to underestimate all contribute problems and difficulties, with a solid knowledge of the causes and symptoms of sweet itch gives the owner a great advantage in the fight against them. Summer eczema can certainly be effectively managed if not avoided altogether. 

Summer eczema is best prevented, but as soon as symptoms display, horse owners to have to manage the condition. Horse Shield offers a product to do just that. Horse with shield, the problems associated with summer eczema be successfully combated. Equine owners who have unwanted skin diseases here and practical advice on the maintenance of healthy skin Derma Shield website...

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