What is thrush? Thrush is an unpleasant infection of the horse frog, predisposed by moist, damp, dirty floor or stable conditions.
What causes thrush? Thrush is an infection of the central and lateral sulcus of the frog of the horse's foot, usually with bacterial infection, fungal infection occasionally. A type of bacterium (Fusobacterium necrophorum) is particularly aggressive, invasion and destruction of the frog, sometimes exposing the lower-sensitive tissues. Long heel conformation encourages the development of deep, narrow furrows frog, which are more susceptible to the development of thrush, if environmental conditions are right.
How is thrush diagnosed? Throttle produces a foul-smelling black discharge in the affected sulcus of the frog. There is pain on pressure on the surface. The hind feet are more often affected than the front feet, and occasionally infection can result in a general swelling of the extremities distal (lower).
How is thrush treated? The horse should be moved to a clean, dry environment. The foot should necrotic debris from the affected frog sulcus, and then down to be thoroughly cleaned out, removing compared to healthy tissue, so that the air in order to reach all of the remaining damaged tissue. The Frog and its sulcus should be washed daily with dilute iodine solution.
Choke-XX aerosol is an effective treatment for thrush product for horses and ponies in a revolutionary no-pump aerosol.The uniquely designed, no-mess dispensing a continuous, consistent spray produced without drips, runs or spills, the product only goes where You want it spraying upside-down-even when. Waterproof copper naphthenate (37.5%) formula requires no bandages.
Tetanus antitoxin must be given if the horse is not fully up-to-date or if vaccination status can not be confirmed vaccinated.
After that the horse should be kept stable in clean, dry conditions and the frog should be cleaned and treated regularly until the infection is controlled and the mesh heels.
How can prevent thrush? Prevention is better than cure and thrush can be avoided by good stable management, regular foot care and inspection. Your horse in clean, dry conditions and have your horses feet trimmed regularly and steamed to prevent the development of long heel conformation and keep the frog healthy.
With the start of treatment and good, stable and environmental management, the prognosis for a full recovery for cases of thrush is good. The treatment is generally necessary for 7-14 days. The prognosis for complete resolution is good if the infection was allowed to become chronic and / or there is extensive involvement of deeper tissues.
Make sure that your horse always fully vaccinated against tetanus, an increasingly deadly infection that can gain access through a damaged frog....
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