Pet Hermit Crabs - Hermit Crab Care

Have you ever thought of a hermit crab as a pet? Probably your answer will be when people do not think of them as pets in the negative. In fact, hermit crabs make great pets. They are active, curious in nature and above all do not cost as much to worry about. As long as you give them the required nutrition. 

The crab is an omnivore. It eats meat and vegetation. There are mainly two types of hermit crab - marine and land-based hermit crab hermit crab. It is the land-based one, which is considered to be a good pet. 

In the U.S., there are two types of land-based hermit crabs. When choosing your crab, make sure that the shell cracks or broken in any way. Also make sure that the crab looks healthy and free of visible parasites. 

The natural habitat of the hermit crab is warm and humid. So you would have to specify these conditions in the tank, which may be made of plastic or glass. You can make any size for the tank, but a 10 gallons you will be ideal. Make sure it has put a sliding door in the food industry. There, a group of crabs, since they are social animals is best. 

Set up the tank with sand, but before use to make sure you sterilize it. This can be performed by rinsing, drying and then firing. Then you just need to wash the sand and use again if you. Cleaning the tank Also place a dish for food and water. In addition to climbing course coral and driftwood for the crabs. If you want to decorate your tank, you can place artificial plants in the tank. 

You can feed your pet crabs a diet rich in calcium, carotene and antioxidants. Make sure you feed them meat, vegetables, fish and fruits. In addition, you can also feed your pet crab tree bark, oak leaves, corn and carrots. 

If the crabs are molting, they need additional care. It is best to isolate the crabs are molting. Then leave it alone and not deal with them. Once the moult is over, you can re-establish the crabs in the community tank..

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