Spider Monkeys as Pets

Spider monkeys are natives of Central and South America, but are also found in Mexico. These monkeys live in the rain forest, and grow to a height of about three meters. The monkeys are usually black in color, but they are also found in other colors such as yellow, red and brown. The unusual name comes from the spider monkeys lineup they do when they hang on the trees. 

When people see a spider, they want to keep it as a pet, because the monkeys look so cute. However, keeping a primate as a pet is not easy. In addition to the care they need, you have to keep the aggressiveness that develops as monkeys age also charged. Certain habits like throwing their feces are around, masturbating and throw other items not so lovable. 

So, you should keep a monkey as a pet, if you have the time and are willing to put together in effort and money into his care. If the answer is yes, you should also make an effort to bring you as much as possible about the monkey and his needs before it home. 

Remember to check the laws of your state. Some states consider monkeys illegal if the owner does not have the necessary authorization. Also make sure that the vet in your area about monkeys and how to treat it, if something happens do. In addition, you should buy the monkeys from a trusted and reliable seller. Do not buy your monkey from illegal sources. Make sure that the monkeys were born in captivity and not illegally captured in the wild. 

The monkeys need a housing with high trees, so that they feel as if they are at home. If space is an issue, forget about keeping a monkey as a pet. The housing should be made of safe and non-toxic materials. Make sure that the temperature can be controlled and monitored. Spider monkeys do not thrive in cold temperatures and low humidity, especially in winter. 

The monkey needs to be fed properly to ensure a long and healthy life. How to feed your pet monkey bananas, raisins, oranges, monkey chow, wheat bread, celery, lettuce and carrots. You can also feed the monkey dog ​​food once in a way. 

Above all, make sure that you love your pet monkey to make it feel safe and secure. Spend enough time each day to play with monkeys and is also comforting. As the monkey matures, it will get irritable. So, be well prepared to handle their moodiness and mood swings....

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