Despite the fact it is a member of the rodent family, chinchillas make for fantastic, adorable pets. As an owner, you'll want to be soon, she is preparing to do a simple chinchilla tricks and you'll play with them all the time. You have the ability, more than the average person thinks probably do.
The first thing about training your chinchilla is aware that chinchillas have good memories. This could work in your favor or against you, depending on the story you have with your pet. You might want to get your pet's trust in the first place. Rewarding your chinchilla with treats is a wonderful way to reinforce the habits that you want. They will eventually remember that they are for the Chinchilla trick that teaches you, and they will be rewarded perform on command. Be patient and persistent with the rewards. You must avoid using a loud or sharp voice, so that does not scare your pet. You can learn that this technique would work if to rein in the desire to undesirable behavior, but then you would probably have to go back and regain their confidence all over again. Instead, use something that makes a lot of noise to scare them to the behavior you do not stop, just do not make your voice.
You may want to start by taking your pet a treat from the palm of your hand. Later, after he dominated the treatment can make your higher arm little by little, as he begins to trust you with this method. Be patient and do not make sudden movements to your chinchilla. Due to the fact that they are animals that are hunted are endangered in the wild after they feel if you scare them and back them into a corner. Continue treatment in the palm of your hand and wait for the chinchilla to come to take the benefit. Guarantee that your pet to climb onto your hand to have to get it. This will enable him to be more comfortable when you teach it to you, try eating from further up the arm.
How do you know your chinchilla that you are not a predator goes a good way in training. Sit on the open ground near the cage with the cage door. Leave before you make your chinchilla step towards any movement on it. Finally, since, as he is shy or outgoing, he is to climb on the arms and legs. Give them this freedom before you try too much to handle. Let's use it as their own insignificant jungle gym. You must have a feeling you could trust grabbed without fear or hunted. As soon as they suspect that they are safe, and then you can consider training them. And only then you might be able to handle it when the mood takes you. What's more, with the treats to strengthen their confidence work wonders when used correctly.
During the training methods are similar, your chinchilla is certainly limited, that what your dog can do. You certainly will not sit on command, nor is it intended to bring you your slippers that are safe. But they can be trained to give kisses for treats. You can get around obstacles and even a little jump when they realize they are rewarded to go. Its simple tricks like these that are actively involved in your chinchilla more and have more fun with you around....
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