Exotic pets, chinchilla

Chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger) are rodents with a very thick, dense fur, which can make wonderful pets. The coat is often described as "luxurious" and chinchillas raised in the past for the purpose of harvesting the fur. They have a long life span for a rodent (about 10 years), and they are very sociable and active. Chinchillas are curious and can move very quickly, so you need to keep an eye on them when they. 

Outside their cages Young Chinchillas are known as kits.Chinchilla breedingFemale chinchillas are seasonally adjusted polyestrous, which means that they have two litters from November to May After breeding, it is normal that the female chinchilla are a copulatory plug available. This will appear as a thick, white discharge in the vaginal area. The gestation period is 111 days and the nurse kits for 6-8 weeks. The young are very precocious and with a fur, open eyes and the ability to move born. The average litter size is about 2 kits, but there were litters of up to 6 kits.

Chinchilla farmingChinchillas are very active creatures and need a large cage that they move easily and work in. Many people choose to a large cage with multiple levels. It is a good idea to provide a wheel for your chinchilla to run, even though a fixed wheel instead of the recommended wire hamster wheels. A shelter or shelter should dustbaths need in the cage for your chinchilla to rest in. chinchillas to the health of their coat of hair care are provided.  

These are usually give daily to every other day, in a special plastic box (to minimize chaos). These animals are very sensitive to heat, and it should be kept in a range of the house when the temperature below 70 ° C.Chinchilla DietFiber is a very important part of the diet chinchilla. The diet should consist mainly of hay supplemented with pellets and fresh vegetables. It is important to ensure that the hay is fresh and not moldy or mildewed. Feeding a diet lacking in fiber can promote your chinchilla to result in intestinal upset and diarrhea or constipation.General Health InformationChinchilla teeth are usually yellow-orange in color. This is not a sign of dental disease or decay, it's actually a sign of health because this is the color of rodent teeth. All rodents have aradicular teeth, which means that they continue to grow throughout life and must be mechanically crushed himself. If the mechanical comminution not occur properly, the teeth may overgrow each other and lead to an anomaly.  

Providing gnawing stones in your chinchilla cage should generally be sufficient to prevent loops anomaly. However, some chinchillas are genetically predisposed anomaly, these animals should not be bred. If you notice that your chinchilla is not eating, is drooling a lot and seems to be losing weight, you should take him to your vet to look at his teeth. The veterinarian must to trim the teeth under general anesthesia. Other common diseases of the chinchillas include enteritis, caused by poor nutrition and infections of the respiratory tract. With proper care, many chinchillas can live long healthy lives.

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