Although most of us have the omnipresent dogs and cats as pets, there are others who prefer something more unusual or exotic. In these days, people are more likely to have rare snake in the house, than just about anything else. Spiders and all kinds of reptiles have also become popular, and as such, the owners often want a photo or two to commemorate their beloved pet.
For the photographers, this can sometimes lead to a few problems, but most of them are surmountable. For example, having a pet that are considered dangerous, the photographer may also have to shoot the photo with glass since he will not be put at risk for any reason.
In the case of snakes, they are often most comfortable when they have recently fed, so this is also a good way to ensure that they are a little tame when the photographer wants to commit the shooting.
For the photographers, this can sometimes lead to a few problems, but most of them are surmountable. For example, having a pet that are considered dangerous, the photographer may also have to shoot the photo with glass since he will not be put at risk for any reason.
In the case of snakes, they are often most comfortable when they have recently fed, so this is also a good way to ensure that they are a little tame when the photographer wants to commit the shooting.
If the snake is very unpredictable though, and the owner is the person who certainly know this, setting up a natural looking scene inside the tank is probably the best way to pose the snake for a great photo.Of course the photographer may be able to take these shots from a distance with a powerful zoom lens, and this would need a glass wall between the subject and meet him. If these photos are taken out, it can be used for some people, the snakes to be there to stop it must be run, etc.
The same goes for spiders and some of them have deadly bites. Again, safety is paramount in these cases as the photographer usually on what the best type of placement will advise the subject. The owner is obviously needed to soothe and care for the animal and he wants to. Well in the shot too, which makes life easier all round
What many owners do not know is that the photographer can really have some very open and unusual shots that will surely show all the attributes of the animal is to perfection. Colors will look amazing on some of these shots and the lighting can also show the animal to take full advantage. However, the animal in the best condition for the photographer should be to produce the best shots.
These photos can be taken in the home, in the garden or in the studio. For studio shots, the photographer may stage backdrop especially for the animal and this sometimes better results for the lighting, etc. Either way, it is important that the animal is quiet, fed and familiar with the type of environment it is to be photographed be in.
Although people think that reptiles etc have no personality, they have special properties that can catch in the right circumstances the photographer. The incredible detail that he can pick up in their skin, feathers or scales makes with photographs like this is worth doing.