How do birds know-how-to-talk?

Birds such as parrots are social creatures. They inhabit herds and regularly communicate with each other. The attention that is given and each is important to their well being.

When a bird comes into your house, thinks it has come in a herd of non-winged, non-flying, oddly shaped birds. It still wants to communicate with his flock. It wants to give and get attention. These animals learn sounds of mimicry. Also non-speaking birds such as songbirds learn to sing by imitating the adult birds. A few notes are congenital - the feathered creatures are born with the knowledge to make these noises, but complex sounds are learned by listening to other birds.

Parrots and other birds can talk to mimic the complex sounds of human speech. It may take a while, but repeat your feathered pet soon, what they hear. If it matters to you that your bird learn to talk, then take an adult who is already talking. It is easy to pick up new words.

From birds to speak, otherwise it will scream and a racket. It wants you to communicate with him, and it wants attention. If you yell at a squaking bird, it will be counterproductive, because they will give you the attention that she wants.

Birds require care and understanding. They are in need that they need attention from their human companions to thrive.

You can teach your bird by speaking to speak it regularly. Use a recorded message that plays over and over. Or hide behind a mirror, so that the bird sees its reflection and thinks it's talking to another bird.

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