Nicknames little Robos or Robbie is the Roborovski dwarf hamster is the smallest of all, reaching the awesome length of slightly more than two inches. Needless to say, they are lightning fast and quickly scurry away from everyone understanding. So when you decide whether or not, tried to buy a hamster, the fact that these delicate creatures are a handful of caring for the most skillful of adult humans. Consequently, they may be the pet for younger children only as the least suitable starter. They are just too fragile and quickly.
Regardless of its tiny profile, they differ from the other dwarf hamsters in coloration and their extremities. Accounting for some of their speed and agility are legs that are proportionally longer than other hamsters. In addition to them, the typical dorsal or spinal stripes in the other dwarf hamster species are absent. The normal color of these little cuties is the wild agouti brown with white face and undersides. In terms of life expectancy, the most resistant individuals generally can survive for up to four years.
Robos tend to enjoy the company of others of the same kind, but proceed with caution when introducing strangers. The best companions are siblings of the same sex is the next best combination, that of two very young people. Sexual maturity will occur with about six to eight weeks, but at this early stage can not physically fit enough to carry and successfully rear a litter of puppies hamster. Women will usually remain fertile for the first two years of her life, while the male remains productive until the bitter end. Matching in the wild occurs naturally in the less extreme temperatures between April and September. However, captive breeding and will occur at virtually any time of the year.
Roborovski hamsters are usually quite docile and are not prone to bite, although they are noticeably shy. You have seen a lot less confrontational style in dealing with threats and intrusions than other hamsters. Another endearing quality is their tendency to never ending entertainment. The show is getting back to the center, as these tiny gymnasts around the hamster cage dryer, climbing, jumping, hiding and hunt in a tireless manner.
Exclude issues related to security that by any ordinary type of barred wire cage or enclosure, as this miniature escape artists disappears faster than a frightened bird on a perch. Therefore habitats for small mice or better yet developed, is a 10 or 20-gallon aquarium provide the safest environment for your small pet. Barred second story additions are fine, but again, the beams must be very close together and some locking mechanism is recommended to prevent unauthorized access by young children or other pets. Many dogs and cats consider the robot a rare and delicious delicacy.
The habitat is completed requirements is absolutely necessary, or in the case of rat small robbies a "hamster ball" can do better, especially if it allows the cage to interact with the human family. The "Hamster ball" or other enclosed specialized toys are entertaining for us to see and a great way for them to exercise.
Dietary requirements are really no different than any other hamster species, the primary ingredients are vitamin enriched quality Hamster pellets, seed mixes and cereals and fresh fruits and vegetables. The smaller the water bottle should style, where the nozzle is better suited to the small robo hamsters. Finally, avoid allergies and respiratory irritation, bedding and nesting material always avoid either non-phenolic wood shavings (no cedar or pine), dust-free paper or cellulose fiber, all of which should be free of any colors or dyes exist...