Since reptiles are cold-blooded, they rely on their environment to keep them warm. That is, they require an external heat source to warm up, so keeping their heated vivarium is essential. The type of heater is used is largely dependent on the type of reptiles, since it is important to try and replicate the native environment.
Hot rocks This rock shaped heaters are ideal for ground-dwelling lizards like bearded dragons in particular, as they. The reptile to lounge on the rocks and let you absorb the artificial heat As they in their natural habitat, enjoy the warmth of the sun, heat rocks here to mimic heat the vivarium. To ensure that not even the reptiles burn but should always be used a thermostat to regulate the temperature of the hot stones.
Mats Thin mats are a great way of adding extra heat to a reptile vivarium should be and when additional heat is needed or used on cold winter nights. The mats are placed under a section of the vivarium and complement the main source of heat. By using only a part of the vivarium to move the reptile to a cooler region, if required. There are different types of mats available, including such well to imitate the warm sand beds of the desert.
Bulbs Bulbs come in different shapes and sizes to meet the vivarium and are designed to give off heat, but do not disturb the reptile sleep patterns. Different lamps available including blue ones mimic moonlight and give only a small amount of heat, and those living on the desert reptiles that are designed to a higher UVB output. Both a thermostat and sensor are necessary so that the heat and constant care for the reptile not come into contact with the bulb.
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