The coveted Mutant Albino Leopard Gecko

These days it's not unusual for newcomers to the gecko world, if have not heard the desire of the albino leopard gecko. About twenty years ago some of the first specialty geckos have been bred. This creates a whole new wave of interest. Curious, as there is a demand for ever larger variety of colors, the albino leopard gecko was the opposite of that color-crazed appetite. 

However, the albino leopard gecko was the result of deliberate breeding plan. That was for the breeder genetic abnormalities mining, among which were the color variations. While the common leopard geckos today high yellows that are leucistic and albino, the albino among the most coveted. You can in three different strains that are found to Tremper, Bell, and rainwater, which are also known as Las Vegas. 

Since all albino leopard gecko strains are recessive, they are not always easy to come up with. If you breed a rainwater with a Bell Albino, you could produce a progeny that are not albino. The recessive traits are a type of mutations in the gene pool that have an impact on specific components of the lizard development. The recessive traits can come on at random. There is not much you can do the odds of discovering any new recessive traits. It just takes a heap of patience and continuous breeding to obtain the results. 

Interestingly, although the three albino leopard gecko strains are completely different, it's sometimes hard to tell them apart. The various features are quite similar. Sometimes, it seems breeder only guess they put you in the category they are treated in. In any case, they are similar and yet different from other geckos. The albino leopard gecko is sensitive to bright light and sometimes can even close your eyes. They are known also to avoid feeding during the day as well. 

Of the three strains the Tremper strain is most common. It was discovered in the first row. This could also in places like the Mocha tribe called because of their brownish color. That's not to say they are not the bright pink to white in general. Note that some will have the typical bright red albino eyes. However, others may only have eyes in the shadows than the non-albino are a bit lighter counterpart to the albino leopard gecko. Incubation at higher temperatures can also be responsible for some variation, in the darker colors. 

The rain water is the second most common, followed by the Bell. The Bell is quite rare. They are striking with pink colorings robust than most. In fact, the bell will remain eyes usually more red in color. In contrast, the other albino leopard varieties end up with eyes that drift from red to more of a tan color as the animal aged. 

These geckos are very popular reptile pets. When people understand how easy they are to care for, this will only increase. And with the beauty and fascination of albinos, these more rare species are likely to increase in value. Of course, the continued selective breeding is sure to generate some additional oddities in time.

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