Parrot common diseases

For the dedicated parents parrot is nothing worse than a sick parrot. Often, the disease was not detected in the early stages, and now has become heavier and endangered the life of the parrot.
Here is a list of generally recognized diseases that can attack your parrot: 

This fungus, which affects the respiratory system. It is most common in African Grey Parrots and Amazon. 

The symptoms are shortness of breath, mouth open, and potential tail rocker in breathing, weight loss, and possible wheezing. The diagnosis should be performed by a veterinarian by blood tests, x-rays or.
Prevention can be achieved by maintaining a dry, airy, dist cage free environment. Avoid wet or damp nesting materials. 

Simply put, this is a lack of calcium. A lack of calcium in the female parrots can cause problem in egg laying and can have serious consequences and lead to egg binding with the parrot has problems expelling the egg. 

Treatment and prevention, the administration of calcium, possible lubrication of the vent, and maintaining a proper diet. 

Pacheco's disease
Pacheco's disease is highly contagious and can spread rapidly through an aviary. The disease often occur when a new bird is introduced to an aviary and the birds begin to die. It is very often fatal and affects parrots of all ages. 

Symptoms include lethargy, diarrhea, ruffled feathers, and tremors in the neck, wings and legs.
The diagnosis can be done from a stool sample because the urates to keep a green color. The treatment comprises providing acyclovir every eight hours. 

Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease
The symptoms are pneumonia, diarrhea and rapid weight loss. Feathers take on a deformed appearance, bleeding and early spring losses occur. 

The diagnosis is made with a DNA probe of a blood sample. Treatment at this time is not possible because there is no known cure. 

Proventricular Dilatation Disease
Symptoms include weight loss, vomiting and passage of undigested food. In the early phase food fast turnaround time can pass through the digestive system. 

Treatment. There is no known cure at this time.
Teflon Toxicity
This is exactly what you think it is. This disease is caused by the use of Teflon cookware in the house. When used in cooking, the Teflon is a toxic vapor that is deadly to parrots. Cook not Teflon coated cookware. 

Zinc toxicity
This can lead to over-exposure to zinc, which is used in the beam welding in the cages and a color on some toys. 

All of these conditions require a trip to a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment if one is available.
Many of these conditions can be done by limiting the exposure to new arrivals aviary to a thorough medical examination can be prevented. In addition, newcomers should be placed under quarantine for 30-60 days. 

Another measure that will help prevent these diseases from thriving, keep clean the cage or aviary. The cleaning should be carried out as planned with soap and water and rinsed very well. In some cases it may be necessary to sterilize the cage in order to kill any remaining bacteria or virus. This it is recommended that you seek from your veterinarian, as they are constantly disinfecting their environment in order to protect their clientele. 

Hopefully this article will better prepare yourself to keep the health of your beloved feathered friend....

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