Do not feed your leopard gecko is an important component in the care of a live animal. These lizards are insectivores, which means they like to eat bugs. An adult gecko have to be fed every other day and a younger gecko need many meals throughout the day.
There are many bugs and insects that can be fed to these animals. Cockroaches, mealworms, crickets, silk worms and super worms are most commonly done to them. A Pinkie Mouse is a slightly larger treat that you give them only at certain times. Pinkie mice can be very addictive. Waxworms are also a treat that should rarely be given times. Make sure that when you give your gecko a treat, it's small enough so that the lizard does not smother.
Another important aspect of feeding your leopard gecko is the amount you should feed them. Greater than 8 gecko can eat his crickets in a position during a small gecko can only eat 4. Leopard geckos should be fed in one sitting.
Unfinished live food should be taken out of the cage, because crickets known to gnaw on geckos, if too long with him. This will definitely cause the lizard to become stressed and possibly ill. If you can put the leftovers in a separate container in the cage, that's fine. Just make sure that the other container is covered, so that the food does not find a way out.
Insects that you should feed your leopard gecko full of nutrition. Therefore it is a good idea to make the food is gutload a day before feeding your pet. Gutloading food means that you plug the insect with different healthy foods such as fruits or grains.
You can also supplements on the top of the insects directly before you are eaten in the cage. Make sure that you know that the food will lose its nutrition when the bugs to remain too long without eaten. Baby geckos will eat insects supplements live longer and prosper in the future.
One last thing you should do is ensure that the geckos have fresh water at all times in their field. All animals need water, animals, and these are no exception, so be sure to change their water regularly.
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