Keeping a chicken may not seem like an obvious or logical choice, but in fact, chickens can be very rewarding and engaging. Keeping
pet chickens is a lot of fun because they all have their own
personality, the quirky lovable and are a good source of fresh eggs
every day.
Chicken is no longer just for the rural population. You can learn how to keep chickens, whether you live in the city, in the suburbs or in the country. You need to find out if you at the city council you can keep chickens on your property first. Most communities have regulations about domesticated animals. Make sure that they will allow you to collect it before you spend money.
To get started get chickens, you will want to build a chicken coop. Be sure to place the chicken coop in a sunny location and they offer plenty of shade during the hot summer months. You also need to consider a safe place for the coop so that predators not easy to get in. The size of your chicken coop really depends on how many chickens you plan on increasing. It does not have to be huge, but it has to be in a safe place. Since chickens are very social animals, you will want to consider getting two or three, as they and how will companies huddle together in the cold weather.
Chickens love to roam free, but it is advisable to have a certain area with a safety feature like hawk netting have secured keep the predators. If you do not have security features for your chickens, you have to watch closely when they are let loose. Hawks and other animals can quickly attack and kill the chickens.
Make sure you provide plenty of fresh water daily, and chicken feed. Chickens also love your leftovers. If leftovers mixed in with their food, they are literally garbage disposer! They also offer the pest control to rid your garden of bugs and caterpillars. Chicken Poop Composting is also an excellent help, and to help anyone with any vegetables from our own garden.
Whether chickens as pets or future meals, they have to provide very unique personalities and their owners with lots of entertainment and devotion. They do establish a pecking order. If you create the right love and attention, you will be very fast at the top of that pecking order....