Litter Mate aggression is very different from aggression between cats, if there is one you bring home a cat or neighbors. I love the idea of two cats to train and entertain themselves, but cats are very territorial and usually you have to take several steps to identify aggressive behavior and conduct proper steps to introduce the new cat in the house. Let's first define what types of aggressive behavior often demonstrated by cats.
Territorial Aggression: This occurs when a cat feels that an intruder has invaded their territory.
- Cats can be aggressive toward one cat is still friendly and tolerant with others.
- Aggressive behavior problems often occur when a new cat is brought home a young kitten reaches maturity, or a cat encounters neighborhood cats outside.
- The typical pattern of behavior actions stalking, chasing, ambush, hissing, meowing loudly, swatting and prevents access to places like the litter box, or another room.
- Female cats can be just as territorial males. I know because I have one.
Inter-male aggression: Adult male cats can threaten, and sometimes fight with other males. This aggressive behavior is common with typical wild cats or cats that have not been neutered. They can fight over a female, to defend for a higher place on the totem pole or territory.
Cats stalk, stare, cry, and inflate their fur each other back down. If you do back down and walk away, the attacker after made his point, usually on foot as well. If no one to back down, the cats actually fight. You can roll around biting, kicking, swatting, screaming and suddenly stop, resume posturing, fight again, or go away.
If you signs that a struggle to see occur, they steer by clapping loudly and threw a pillow nearby, or spray them with water. These actions can also be used to break a fight.
Defensive Aggression: Defensive aggression behavior occurs when a cat trying to get out of an animal or human attacker, he believes he can not escape to protect. This behavior may be in response to the following:
- Punishment or the threat of punishment of a person
- An attack or attempted attack from another cat
- Any incident that makes the animal feel threatened or scared
- Demonstration of aggressive behavior defensive postures are:
- Squat with the legs and the tail pulled under the body
- Reduce the ears to the head
- Roll slightly to one side
Approaching a cat in this posture is likely to cause an attack.Redirected aggression: Cats conduct this type of aggression towards another animal or even a person who did not know initially provoke the behavior.
A good example of redirected aggression is when your cat sees another cat in his field and you happen to pet him during or shortly after and the cat attacks. The cat did not even know who you are at this moment, because it worked so much about the other cat that he, the first thing crosses his path accesses.
First steps that you should take with a cat showing aggressive behavior:1 Contact your veterinarian for a thorough health examination. Cats often hide symptoms of illness until they're seriously ill. Your cat may be aggressive nausea and removing his misery on others.
2 If your cat a clean bill of health your cat has an emotional problem. Please consult your vet for further steps to help yourself or a referral to a specialist in animal behavior. A behavioral scientists to advise you on what can be done. You may need to start the introduction process again from the beginning between the two cats. Also it can be to keep the cats in separate areas of your home, or even one of the cats a new home, if the aggression is extreme and can not be resolved.
3 Talk to your veterinarian about a short course of anti-anxiety medication for your cat while you are working on changing their behaviors. Never attempt to handle on your own your cat always seek professional advice.
4 This could mean keeping the cats separated from each other while working on the problem, or at least prevent contact between them cope during situations to trigger a fight.
The behavior of an intact animal can negatively affect all of your pets. Always have your cat spayed or neutered as a first step to action to curb aggressive behavior stop.To avoid actions during the re-introduction:
- Not count on the cats to "work things out." The more they fight, the worse the problem is likely to become. To stop a fight, make a loud noise, such as clapping hands, spray the cat with water, or throw something soft at them like clothing or a pillow.
- Do not try to touch them. Your chances of injury by a scratch or bite are very likely.
- Do not punish the cats involved. Punishment will only cause more aggression and fear responses, which will make the problem worse. You could even become a destination for redirected aggression.
- Do not add more cats or get littermates beginning Some cats are willing to share their house and territory with multiple cats litter not mate, but more cats share the same territory,. More likely it is that cats do not get along is.
In summary, the aggressive behavior is found in cats usually by introducing another cat you brought home, or other neighborhood cats in his territory. Littermates tend to be better if you are inclined to have more than one pet. Some cats are aggressive in nature independently of other cats and a trip to the vet or a cat behavior specialist may be required. Remember there are several types of aggressive behavior, which can be detected, and you should be aware of the signs.
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