Declawing your cat is a very controversial topic. This is because most declawing procedure quite brutal and can cause permanent damage to your cat. A standard declawing procedure actually amputate the cat's first joint on each foot. This causes a lot of pain and can also cause the cat to lose its natural course.
Declawing cats is actually illegal in many countries, including England. There is an active campaign in the U.S. for the ban as well. In Australia they say it is a cruel and unnecessary procedure. Obviously, there are some strong feelings on this subject.
So why do people still have their cats declawed? Often it is simply a case of not knowing. Many people do not understand how brutal this process really is. Also there are many veterinarians who downplay the process, and offer two-for-one deals with claws and neutering. When people see the procedure offered so nonchalantly, they take it to be sure.
Another reason why people, the process is still done because it can be nearly impossible, some cats do not train on people and furniture scratch. Declawing may be a last resort, but it is better than if the cat, many people rationalize this way.
So if you have a cat with a scratching problem, what should you do about it? There are actually a few options. The first is to simply train the cat not to scratch bad things, and to scratch it a good thing (cat tree). It is obvious to find more about this method, but you can do it with a quick Google search. Another option is to claw caps. These are plastic caps that glue on your cat's claws so that they do not do any damage if scratching.
Most of the time, these alternatives will work if you are willing to spend some time working on them. I do not think that these cats should be placed in animal shelters, but I do not think they deserve to be mutilated. Make sure that you. Their research into these things
There is a new, alternative method using a laser to remove the claw. This was a safe and humane. Scratching in cats is a natural, instinctive behavior, we must accept that cat to scratch and work around it. We must change our lives to not adjust the cat, the cat's body to conform our lives.
Thank you for coming in Exotic of Pets and read the article about: The Controversy of Declawing Your Cat , help us to Shared this article. hopefully useful to us all.
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