As for a Pet Tarantula Care

Many people keep exotic animals as pets, and the tarantula is such a pet. This is a big hairy spider that looks threatening but is very gentle in nature. Before rushing to buy a tarantula for a pet, it would be advisable to find out how to take care of it. There are some basic care requirements that you meet, when you want to have a healthy and happy spider should. 

First of all, there are many different types of spiders, but they are living on the ground or trees in the first place. The ground-dwelling ones live in caves and are ideal for people who are beginners. These spiders are slow to move. Opt for a female spider, as it has a longer life as compared to a male. As a beginner, you can Chilean Rose Tarantula, Mexican blonde, Mexican redleg or a Costa Rican zebra. 

Make sure that your house tarantula in a glass container. Even a plastic is fine, provided you can be sure to close it and get it proper ventilation. The tank should be at least 3 times the leg span of the tarantula, so that a 2.5 to 5 gallon tank would be ideal. If you get a larger tank, the tarantula will not be able to easily identify its prey. 

Once the tank line with a substrate such as coconut fiber, peat, vermiculite or potting soil. The substrate should be from about 2 to 4 cm thick, and should be able to return moisture. If you still want a tree tarantula apartment, then make sure that the tank is large and there are plenty of branches, trunks and branches to climb on the spider. For a tree-dwelling tarantula, you should use a 10-gallon tank. 

Tarantulas are carnivores and they can be fed insects such as grasshoppers and crickets. You can even feed them aphids, moths, earthworms, mealworms, cockroaches and caterpillar. But remember that cricket is their main food. An adult tarantula can also eat small mice and lizards. Any live insects that the spider should not eat to be removed from the tank. In addition, keep a shallow bowl of water for the spider, which should be changed daily. 

The temperature of the tank should be maintained between 75 and 85 degrees Celsius. Do not use bright lights to get up the temperature of the container. The area surrounding the tank should darker than tank. Read what is the required humidity for your spider and maintain it accordingly. If the spider has to be kept at high humidity, then hold a tray of water in the tank and mist the tank about three times in a week. If the humidity requirement is low, then the simple bowl of water should be sufficient. If your tarantula molting, then do not deal with it or even feed. Shedding usually lasts for 2 weeks. With these care tips, you should be able to look after the basic needs of your pet tarantula....

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