If your cat seems to be sneezing a lot, and feels warm, then it may have a cold. In cats, it is often referred to as an infection of the upper respiratory tract, but it is very similar to common cold. This cold can not be transmitted from person to cats or vice versa.
Colds in cats are very contagious. If you have multiple cats, you may want to separate the sick, so they all do not get sick. The reason why a cat gets an infection of the upper respiratory tract varies, common causes are: allergic reaction, parasitic worm or a bacterium or virus.
The most common symptoms of a cat are cold: sneezing, runny nose, cough, wheezing, conjunctivitis, and warm ears / head. If you notice these symptoms, you should bring your cat to the vet as soon as you can. An untreated cold can easily turn into a serious infection in the chest.
The treatment for a cat cold can include medications, fluids and rest. A humidifier can often help if you want to be very careful that you do not have to burn the cat, and the cat did not get a cold than too wet.
While your cat is sick, you have to take care of some special him. Try to eat the cat to promote. He will probably have lost his appetite. Part of the reason for this is because they can not smell their food. Try them a can of wet food they often have a stronger smell, so that the cat be able to smell it better.
Make sure the cat always has fresh water. You want to try to make sure that the cat does not get dehydrated. This is a common problem in cats with colds. If your cat refuses to drink and not get dehydrated, take him to the vet. The vet can give the cat fluids via injection.
Although indoor cats are not as susceptible to diseases such as outdoor cats, they can still easily get an infection of the upper respiratory tract. This is because the virus spreads through air particles that are difficult to filter out of your home.
Remember that your cat is not better with just one dose of medicine. Next it was the prescribed treatment until your vet tells you to stop. This can protect to stop recurrence of the disease and all the other animals in the home. If you do what your vet who asks you, should your cat get better within a few weeks....
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