Things about Freshwater Angelfish knowledge

Freshwater Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) are to hold a popular choice of fish in your aquarium. They are a graceful fish from the Amazon in South America. They are part of chiclid family of fish. 

Description They are flat and disc-shaped body and long fins. They usually have vertical black stripes on a silver body, but it is not always the case. They range in color from golden colored, black, marble and koi. 

Availability Because Angelfish are so popular, you can be sure that every pet store that sells fish will sell angelfish. You are not buying a more expensive fish. Most of the angelfish you will find at a pet store to be small, so bare in mind that they grow up to 6 inches in diameter. 

Aquarium Angelfish can withstand a wide range of water conditions, but rather the temperature around 80F (27C). They should not be kept with aggressive fish, because their fins tend to get choked. Any fish that is smaller than the emperor fish in the tank are seen as food. Small angelfish can be kept in a 10 gallon tank, but should up to the 50 liter tank when they get older. A breeding pair should be kept separately in a 20-gallon tank. Water should have a pH value of 7.0. 

Cultivation Female and male angelfish are similar in appearances. Consists of two breeding angelfish locking together the mouth and round in circles. If they resist this mating ritual they go on and spawn together. Before spawning a sheet or a flat surface is cleaned for the female to lay eggs and then the male to come and they will fertilize. The eggs are guarded by both full-time and in 3-4 days they will hatch. For the next 4-5 days the parents drive them from plant to plant. Then it is best to remove the baby angelfish, because the parents can eat them. 

Diet Angelfish are omnivores. You can fed mosquito larvae, white worms, tibufex worms, brine shrimp, dried tropical flakes and small crustaceans. Make sure they are overfed because they eat to death. 

Newly hatched angelfish can be fed rotifers and infusoria. They can also be fed liquid food. After a week the baby angelfish (fry) can be fed newly hatched brine shrimp. 

Diseases Angelfish are bacterial and parasitic diseases. One way to prevent angelfish before sick in the first place is to make sure that you regularly maintain the tank conditions. 

You can not go wrong by adding a freshwater angelfish. They are intelligent and are have different personality traits of other angelfish....

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