Your Beginning Beekeeping Experience

So you are starting to think about beekeeping and need some advice, tips or anything that will help you to be on the right foot. Beekeeping can be very rewarding, especially financially. Can put honey cultivation for profit to make some extra money in your pocket and maybe someday into a profitable business. 

It is important to understand that it can initially quite expensive with hives go for as much as $ 300 each. And not only can the hive. You'll other equipment such as protective clothing for themselves, a smoker and need more. So if you are going to be spending so much just on the start-up cost to it would be a good idea to learn as much as possible beforehand. 

Although many beginners think that buying go a colony that has already established the path that can lead to numerous problems. It is best to get some experience under your belt before buying used equipment or colonies. Start small and as you gain more knowledge, you can later build on your colony size in the season. 

After you have all the right equipment, the next step is to get your bees. Many companies sell package bees for shipment in the U.S. It is not unusual to buy packaged for advanced beekeepers bees to the existing colonies may be weak for one reason or another. It is typical for the bees in a 2-3 pounds just started to buy for. And do not forget to buy the Queen. 

Consider the winter months of January or February as the best time to order your bee package. Make sure your hives were set up in the desired position before the arrival of your bees. If your new colony is to check for the number of dead bees. Although it is common that some bees die during transport, but too many dead or if the Queen is dead, there are other issues and replacement are required. 

A question that is on the mind of all beginners, how to get the bees into the hive. Although there are many ways to do this, is a popular method called direct release. First remove the frame from the hive. Then let's start by scattering sugar syrup over the bees before, so that their wings are wet prevents them are flying around. Look conservatively to force the cage covered on the bottom of the bees cage. Remove the queen cage and slowly pour your new bees in the hive. Regardless bees are left in the cage can be gently shaken in the hive. Let the cage next to the hive for 24 hours. 

Next, the Queen can be released by her rise from itself to the hive. Then carefully put the frame back in the hive that you do not violate any of the bees. Now you are ready to start your beekeeping venture. 

You remember that a lot still to learn, basically let the bees do their job, and you will reap the sweet fruits....

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