Key Terms To Know About Raising Chickens

Chicken is incredibly fun and very rewarding. They are amazing pets and are unfortunately underestimated and not intended as first options by people who have pets to buy. They are very friendly, provide fresh eggs and great gardener. Your chickens you fertilize your plants and kill pests and insects in your garden for you. I have a list of common words used when it comes to knowing chickens be important if you are getting into the wonderful world of chicken raising is set. 

Bantam - A little chicken, which is about half the size of a normal chicken breeds. These are often raised for decorative reasons. 

Bedding - The main reason for the bedding in your own chicken coop is to absorb chicken manure and their smell. You also want something soft enough that the eggs will absorb as they are set by your chickens. You can wood chips, newspaper, hay, or other soft and absorbent materials. 

Brood - Hens incubating their chick or a flock of chicks. Candling - The process of using a candle or light bulb with an egg to see if it is fertilized or not. If you do not own a cock you will not have to worry about fertilized eggs, but if you do, you want to be able to eat eggs or to sell it, and the eggs that come are separated chicken. Capon - A castrated rooster. Valve - A cockerel. 

Comb - The rubbery, flat piece that is on top of the chicken head. Roosters are larger than hens combs usually. 

Coop - A chicken coop. Dust Bath - When chickens dig a hole in the ground and then climb in. You even get nice and dirty to be lice and mites that feed on blood to protect. 

Feeder - Where will you place your chicken feed. Fertilized egg - laid an egg that has mated with a rooster to a hen and a baby chick has become. 

Grit - bits of rock or sand that your chickens eat their stay in the digestive tract help to digest food. Hackles - feathers on her neck. Hen - Female chicken. 

Incubation - help with heat hatch of fertilized eggs. With constant heat and turn the eggs are very important for the hatching eggs properly. This process usually takes about 3 weeks. 

Molting - If a chicken throws his pen again and it grows, this process happens once a year and no chickens lay eggs during this period. 

Nest Box - Where are chickens lay their eggs. Non-Setter - These breeds of chickens have no interest in taking care of chicks. Pullet - A young hen. Roost - a pole or branch, into the stable that your chickens to sleep a little high up. Valve - A male chicken. Lead - an area which roam freely with the chicken coop that in. Scratch - food for chickens of different grains, which is often scattered around the yard made. Shanks - The part of a chicken's leg, which can be seen below. Sickles - A roosters tail feathers. Acacia - The rubbery flesh found under the chicken's neck. Hopefully chicken List related terms will help you in your efforts to raise happy and healthy chickens....

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