Who's new in beekeeping needs proper tools, equipment, and most certainly the "stars of the show" that produce the bees honey for you. There are various ways of acquiring bees, but beekeepers first time, it is always advisable that they get packaged bees.
The main reason why I prefer packaged bees is to get started that they allow you to start small and add your hives a chance to grow steadily. A package of bees generally consists of three to five pounds and it may be about bees 10-30000 bees in a single package. A new hive usually requires a £ 3 package of bees to get a queen, But a five-pound package will offer more flexibility because a single package that you can have two hives when it's shared contains. However, the second hive will need a queen for itself.
The other reason is offered the advantages of packaged bees, they are always healthy certified before they are sold, which means you'll be buying bees that have good health. Her story is also clearly documented and all diseases that may arise in the future, can be easily treated, mites are also treatable with sugar roll.
There is a disclaimer on packaged bees is that they only seasonally available and some may argue that they. Eggs not hatching or in the hive But remember that your loot will be new to those who can not be in place until the Queen has some down, and with a bit heavy feeding new honeycomb will be built by the bees.
Once you have decided to go the route of packaged bees you must go place your order for the bees. If you have a £ 3 package of bees, for example, you get a cluster of about ten thousand bees with a queen-shipped to you in a shoe box size. This box is a screen which prevents leakage of the bees and have a can of sugar water directly so they can feed while driving bees. Packaged bees cost you anything between $ 50 and 90 including shipping.
However, you should be your supplier closer, say that it is within a driving distance of you, then it is advisable that the bees collect. In this way, you minimize the number of bees that have died than when you receive your package through the postal service. In the case where you are waiting for the order by mail, then it is imperative that the post you are notified of the arrival of your package once it gets through to them.
If ever this type of procedure seems a bit slow and tedious for your taste then you can buy an established colony, but make sure you get your colony from a reputable and trusted suppliers and beekeepers. It is my opinion that if you start this way with two colonies in case, a weaker colony, then the other can only increase by replacing the frame of brood and honey.
It is strongly recommended that if you decide to established colonies, you buy them from someone who is already part of business in your area so that your bees are better adapted to the weather conditions of your state....
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