Large and Ugly Spider - A Tarantula Can be Interesting Pet

Tarantulas are the largest and most ominous of all our local search spiders, but they just do not deserve their evil eminence. Instead, tarantulas are fascinating arachnid that do more harm than good and also for entertainment, some as pets. 

Tarantulas are a common sight throughout the southwestern United States. They reach about six inches in size including the extended legs. These spiders go about their business, on the hunt for insects, small mammals and reptiles, mostly at night. They can be usually seen in large numbers in autumn, when the males are looking for a partner. 

Not dance Tarantella, use antiseptic While they bite if threatened, they are not aggressive and can be treated if it is carried out with care. Before biting, the tarantula is fair warning, rearing up on its hind legs and exposing its fangs. About like a bee sting, its venom is not necessarily dangerous to humans, although some people are more sensitive to their bites than others. In most cases, an antiseptic is all that is needed to combat the effects of a bite. 

In addition to its bite, the tarantula is also capable of unloading hair out of his stomach in a flood effective enough to cause temporary blindness in the eyes of an attacker or a rash on a human. 

There are all kinds of stories about this big spider, most of which are grossly exaggerated. Some believe they can jump several feet into an attack on innocent victims. Frankly, they are able, they can only jump a few inches and even a fall from his hand seriously hurt. 

Tarantula enemies include man These creatures live in caves, either dug themselves or borrowed from other animals. You have no ears and must "hear" through vibrations. You need a good supply of water and are very vulnerable to many enemies as rodents, birds, reptiles, ants, wasps, and, of course, man. Tarantulas are able to feed on very powerful enemies at times, hold their prey with powerful jaws and inject a poison that breaks the fabric of the prospective meal. 

Female tarantulas are known to be old for up to 25 years, but the man is not so lucky. It reaches maturity at around 10 years and starts in search of a partner. Within a year he will die either from the courtship, fighting, or in old age. 

Growing new legs to replace the lost During the term of a tarantula is molting its exoskeleton can, as it gets bigger. They actually grow out of their skin and need to take on a new exterior to allow for their increased size. If the molt is complete, the spider is not just new hair and outer shell have received, but new legs to be lost are gone since the last moult to replace. During maturation these spiders can molt to four times per year. 

One of the most abused animals in the world, its appearance and unjustified reputation killed result in many of these spiders. Unfortunately, there is an attitude that it is only good spider is a dead and as the song that most people "do not like spiders and snakes." But the tarantula does not deserve the persecution and hopefully he gets a better understanding of the beast will lead us to know him to appreciate rather than fear him....

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