The loss of a beloved pet is never easy. Our pets weave their way into our lives with such ease. Before we know that cute, mischievous dog or cat a faithful companion, showered us with unconditional love. They do not care how we look, or whether we are wearing the latest fashion, they know what is. Within our hearts
They ask very little of us to eat a warm, dry place to sleep and enough. They thrive on any amount of love that we are willing to give and they reward us with a devotion very few people can emulate.
Of course they are not perfect, but then who is? There are misunderstandings along the way, must be overcome. We must remember that they speak in the world with a completely different language from the one we work. They manage to learn, to understand, to a greater or lesser extent, many of the words and signals that we use.
One wonders how many of us are trying to learn their language. You understand and respond to body language much better than we do. A dog understands that closed eyes and a head is turned away, "away, I do not want to interact with you now." Wave arms for us means "do not jump up and dirty my clothes." But, to your dog, it means "to come and play." To give the "go away" message that we should put our hands under the shoulders and turn away our minds. They would so appreciate our efforts to learn their language. The fact that we do not diminish their love for us.
Of course, there are many different types that have become part of our lives. The cats, birds, horses, hamsters and even rats that share our lives all sorely missed when they leave us. We miss the big brown eyes, the gentle purr and chirp happily, that brighten our lives. Unfortunately, the life expectancy of most of our domestic animals, except, of course, parrots, is much less than with us, we may also suffer this loss many times and, for animal lovers, it is something we never get used.
A reminder Star is a nice way to keep something that we love, we have to remember shared with a special pet. A framed certificate memory of my beloved dog, Prince, hanging on my bedroom wall and triggers a gentle smile every time I think of it....
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