People who live in the southern and southwestern regions of the country, are determined accustomed to adapt to stay in the hot environment comfortable. Dog owners can be presented special problems because their pets can not easily adapt. If you have moved to a hot climate, keep these tips to keep your dog healthy and happy.
Coats Dogs with short coats have the easiest time in hot climates. Her short hair is much cooler and does not become matted and difficult under humid conditions. Long-haired dogs have a more difficult time pleasant staying in hot weather. Ask your groomer to fasten the coat a little shorter than normal for the breed. Also, ask the groomer to leave some hair between the pads so that the hot patch does not burn when walking.
Skin Some dogs develop a variety of skin diseases in hot, humid environments. Bathe your dog on a regular basis to remove bacteria from the skin, and follow with a thorough brushing. Give it a good looking-over to ensure that there is no fungal infection, redness, inflammation or other problems. If you find any unusual eruptions, consult with your veterinarian for an appropriate medication. Dogs with allergies have particular problems in hot climates, where many plant allergens can spread through the air. Your veterinarian can the best medicines and treatments to keep your dog comfortable advice. Wear a flea and tick preventative to your dog regularly to ward off these pests that multiply in hot climates.
Train your dog in the hot sun and humidity can cause severe overheating and even death. If you love outdoors in the heat, remember that your dog can not sweat like you. He needs all of its cooling by the balls of his feet and doing panting. Your dog can be overcome by the heat in less than 15 minutes. If your dog is lethargic, uncoordinated, salivates profusely or vomiting, it can heat stroke. Apply cold towels to the head and body and get veterinary visit.
Travels Traveling with your dog can be fun for both of you, but when driving through areas with a hot climate, remember that your dog depends on you to make him as comfortable as you go. Let your dog in a hot car, even for a few minutes. Allow your dog to stretch his legs and have a potty stop, preferably in some shade, every hour or two. Always carry water and a collapsible bowl, if you are with your dog. Bring any medications he takes regularly.
Top temperatures In many areas, temperatures can rise quickly during daylight hours. You can leave the house in the morning when it's chilly, but by mid-afternoon, the temperature 90 degrees. Make it a habit to adjust the air conditioning before you leave the house every day. If you have a computerized thermostat, set it to the house at a comfortable temperature to cool as the sun heats the interior during the day.
Beach maintenance In some areas, taking your dog to the beach is so widely used as a walk in the park. Make sure that you do not allow your dog to overheat, as he rages in the sand and surf. Find some shade for a cool down after his playing time. Bring water and a bowl for your dog to hydrate.
Dangers of other living things
Wildlife in hot climates can be dangerous for your dog to meet. Scorpions can sting or even poisonous frogs, snakes and other creatures abound in these areas and can make your dog very sick to death. Take time to teach your dog to obey your "no" and "drop" commands, so that you can safely when they meet with these dangerous creatures....
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