Things to know about the Butterfly Life Cycle

One of the insects that have captured human interest flavor and wide spread, butterfly ... beautiful, lively and light-hearted, this colorful insects, the Lepidoptera, hailing from a very loved one. Their bright colors and fluttering flight makes them an easy favorite. The durability is also a much talked about and a very interesting phenomenon. It can be divided in distinct steps. 

Stage 1 eggs Butterflies can have in a year more than a single brood. The eggs are called covered by a protective outer ridge chorion. It is with a wax coating, the eggs dry before the larvae developed stores lined. The tunnel opening that each egg has at its end is called micropyle, to enter the gateway to sperm and fertilize. The eggs are either oval or spherical. Once they are placed, these eggs remain firmly on the leaves, because the glue that only hardens resolved with time. Each category of butterfly seem to have a special fondness for a particular category of plant and equipment, and they choose a host plant, ie the plant that is used for oviposition after this. Usually hatch in about a few weeks time. 

Stage 2 crawler The caterpillars feed on plant leaves and are voracious eaters, they spend almost all their time looking for food. The stadiums that covers a caterpillar, while growing, are called instars. After each larval stage it undergoes some form of physical transformation. This process is called apolysis, the old cuticle is formed and expanded a new form, which cures rapidly growing and pigmentation. In the last larval stage, the butterfly wings began to form. Butterfly caterpillars have six pairs of legs and three pairs of legs per. 

Stage 3 - Pupa When the larva is fully grown, hormones are released PTTH and the caterpillars stop wandering in search of food and anchor to turn into a chrysalis or pupa. It is generally not able to move, but is able to move certain parts of the body such as the abdomen and emit sounds to scare off predators. Slowly this doll undergoes rapid absorption through mitosis great cause of diet and metamorphosis occurs. He grows wings and becomes a complete adult butterfly in a few days. 

Level 4-adult or imago Do not fly immediately after emerging from the pupal stage and the butterfly, the reason for this is the fact that his wings are initially folded and it can fly when they are only deployed. You also have to ensure that dry the wings, and sometimes the excess paint drips. 

Witness the wonder called Metamorphosis It can be a fascinating experience to be a miracle to see with their own eyes and in the comfort of your own home. Especially for children, it would be a pleasure to enjoy them and gain educational knowledge as well. Get a live butterfly kit, so you can see the caterpillars grow into doll and later in dazzling live butterflies. After observing the beauties for a few days, you can let them in your garden....

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