Why monkeys do not make good pets

Many people want to have a monkey as a pet after watching movies or cartoons. Monkeys come across as intelligent, playful and friendly animals next to looking cute and lovable. So it is quite natural, one as a pet want. Yet whether monkeys good to make as pets or not, is a big question. 

One thing to remember is that monkeys get pretty aggressive when they reach sexual maturity. You are prone for mood swings. So this can be difficult to handle have. In addition, they tend, to place with their feces and throw they around. Moreover, they are known to throw Food and other items. Above all monkeys carrier by some deadly viruses, like herpes B. herpes B can are dangerous for humans. 

Many people tend to, to accept monkeys, because they no children. So, they are ready, needed large sums money to bring monkeys to spend as pets. A monkey can cost thousands of dollars annually. Even veterinarians are of the opinion that monkey is better with their own kind rather up brought by people as they get disturbed mentally and emotionally, if man is to educate. Veterinarians also the feeling, that, no matter how much an owner prey or his animal loves monkeys, the monkey will never fit or fit into the homeland. You be always at the end with a behavior, which can be designated than self-destructive. 

A monkey can not be treated than a dog or a cat. The animal needs a lot of attention and when they mature, their behavior is similar to a troubled and difficult child. Monkeys do not like crowded places with too many people and can become aggressive when they are in such an environment thrust. 

Therefore can be said with security, that monkeys no good pets. You should themselves superior to good, the consequence with monkeys as a pet, before you make a decision. Prepared to treat the monkeys and their moods. Only if you are ready, wear on the great responsibility, you should accept a monkey. Do not accept one at a whim or something fancy that you meet might cherish....

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