Chinchilla Care Tips

Pet Chinchillas need care and attention like any other type of pet. Some care measures are common sense and some needs are unique for chinchillas. Here we will go through basic pet chinchilla care tips to keep your pet healthy to go. 

Clean your chinchilla cage often. This may seem obvious, but it is often overlooked or simply just moved to a later date because it is not the most enjoyable part of being a pet owner. Despite the hustle and bustle that promotes a clean cage and the health of your chinchilla can develop the disease or to prevent infection in your pet. If you use a bowl of water, it is a good idea to change the water on a daily basis. 

Try to use a wire mesh cage with a solid bottom or a solid pull-out drawer. The wire mesh is good for ventilation and a fixed shelf is important because if there is a wire mesh floor with space under it a chinchilla difficulties to will have on them. Even with linens on an open ground, risking injury just by moving your pet in his cage. A pull-out drawer is great when it's time clean the cage and you will be glad to have it. 

Chinchillas need a bath every two to three days. The unique thing about chinchillas is that they are not submerged in water. Water baths will wash off the oils that produce these animals. These oils are important for their fur and the health of their skin. Chinchilla have what is known as a sand bath. These dust baths a special dust that one. Many pet stores or online Put a few inches of chinchilla sand bath in a bowl and let your pet use a few times a week. He will roll in and make it seem like it is, which is a mess, but that is actually good for them. The dust bath can be reused, but it's a good idea to clean the balls of dust between applications, because this is what gathered as waste from your chinchilla bathing. 

Keep your chinchilla healthy by exercising him and keep him from getting too hot. Some chinchillas like to use an exercise bike. Even if you have a large cage, it would be beneficial for your pet if he could run on an exercise wheel, and roam the cage. A pet chinchilla should also be allowed out of his cage at least once a week. This will also allow time to exercise and some bonding time with you. Keep an eye on your chinchilla while. Out of his cage These animals can fit in small places and get lost easily and have been known to chew through electric chords. 

Chinchillas are interesting animals and pets to have fun. The basics of pet chinchilla care are simple and inexpensive. Look for the welfare of your pet and you'll have a happy and healthy chinchilla in your life....

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