A guide to good marine fish for beginners

Introduction If you have never kept saltwater fish before, it's a good idea to research the fish are easiest to keep, as some are definitely less demanding than others. For the first time saltwater aquarium, there are a number of fish that are suitable for beginners. Below is a list of some of the fish that we think are pretty good buys for first timers. 

Damselfish These fish are relatively small, they only grow about 3-4 cm. There are a wide variety of colors so that they look good in any tank, but most importantly, they will eat a wide range of fish, and they are making changes to their environment better than most saltwater fish tolerate. They are low-cost investment, happy to breed in captivity, and they are sure not known aggressive. 

Hawkfish There are different varieties of hawkfish, and an interesting fact to note is that they lack swim bladders. They seem to "hop" to swim instead, and they seem to have a interest in what is outside of the tank, which makes it very interesting to keep fish. They are peaceful aquarium fish that eat quite happily a variety of live, freeze-dried and frozen foods - they're not picky! 

Yellow Tang If you are looking for beginner fish in that a large number of in the same tank to keep the yellow tang is the perfect fish for you. In contrast to a large number of marine fish species that you can only keep one per tank, they are quite happy to live in groups. The yellow tang like to feed on green algae in the tank, they will help to keep algae numbers. Plus, they can tolerate changes in water conditions when they happen vary for any reason. 

Clownfish Most people know that clownfish may live near anemones, but they can also easily maintained without them. Clown fish are not very demanding marine fish, so that they., A good choice for beginners If you keep more familiar marine fish, you may want to also introduce anemones to make the tank into a better environment for them. If you are just starting, but it's best to just focus on the fish! Clown fish can be territorial with other members of their kind, so it's best to just keep one in the tank at a time. 

Blennies Blennies are small benthic fish, they will happily graze on algae in your marine tank. Like the aforementioned hawkfish, these tend to swim short distances, so they have the appearance of "hopping" from place to place. They are interesting to watch, and easy to keep as long as you. Kind with a cave to call home, plus a diet of plant material 

Gobies Last but not least, gobies are one of several groups of marine fish. They range from neon gobies to firefish and gobies guard. Gobies are generally small, colorful and very easy to keep in a saltwater aquarium as they are quiet natured fish. Remember to keep only one type per tank, though!...

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