Why the Amish are so strong with Puppy Mills are involved and how can we stop it

Very few people know that the federal government started "puppy farms." The United States Department of Agriculture, USDA, saw the rearing of puppies as a way to help farmers in the 1930s during the Dust Bowl era. The drought of the Dust Bowl caused crop failures and made large animals too expensive to keep alive. Most farmers left the area. As a solution to the farmers who remained in the Dust Bowl states, the USDA introduced the concept of raising small dogs instead of the traditional farm animals, complete with instructions on how to build the business. 

Under the USDA, were dogs, and still are, as livestock. The laws that regulate dog farms are similar to the laws for animal husbandry or other farm animals. 

The USDA Agricultural dog to be advantageous because dogs could be increased in a smaller area and at lower cost than the typical collection of animals. A trend at the same time was the increasing demand for small dogs in the eastern cities. Attitudes about dogs were changed. The people started considering dogs as companions rather than harassment. As always in true economy, DEMAND drives production. 

Since many of the farmers who remained in the Dust Bowl states have Amish Amish erroneously the reputation of single-handedly create the puppy trade. As shocking as it may sound, the USDA actually created the puppy-selling business. They did so with good intentions, but the company has long since forgotten this part of the story. What remains is social anger with the Amish. 

Because Amish farmers do not use modern technology, they have never been able to change a modern "product." Thus puppy farming has been the decades of family ownership. As a society we have to accept that the children tend to follow their fathers in business. We look not to the sons of factory workers taking their place on the production line balk. However, we did find it difficult to understand how Amish children of the puppy farm on. 

As a society, we must remember that the U.S. government, the agriculture dog was introduced, the Amish. If we, as a society, are now dissatisfied with Dog agriculture, as we together with the government, have a responsibility to the Amish alternatives that fit into their lifestyle to make. 

Many years ago, as a new technology that many jobs of auto workers, the bank has eliminated jobs created to re-educate those displaced workers so that they could qualify for the new types of jobs. (I know this because I used to teach on the math for the jobs bank in Indiana.) We must use the same concept with the Amish, if we want to end their breeding dogs. 

We can not expect that the "family" away from the Amish take no for an alternative way to earn them a living. Amish farmers do what they do - what they have learned. Sons follow their fathers in the same industry, because they all they know. It is wrong, the rest of society believe that the Amish want to harm the dogs more to hurt than other farmers, chicken or pork, and we now know that many of the methods used with other animals, is also inhumane. 

The solution to end puppy farming with the Amish includes re-education and retrofitting for an acceptable way to earn a living. We must all, why the Amish started selling puppies in the first place to educate. It was not because they are bad people! 

The solution to end puppy farming is all too complex to address here. We have to deal with the demand for puppies, and we have the Internet as a place to remove puppies for sale. Neither problem will be quick or easy to do....

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