Learning about the different fears in dogs is extremely important because it will teach you how to recognize and solve problems in your own dog anxiety. Three of the common dog fears include thunder, fireworks, and to be alone.
1 Thunder A fear of thunder, also known as astraphobia, is quite common in dogs. A mild phobia of thunder, the dog can shake to hide his tail and ears cut during a storm. Dogs with a severe case of astraphobia usually shows behaviors such as; hiding, running, destroying urination or bowel movements, and things.
If your dog has a mild case of astraphobia, there are a few things you can do to calm his anxiety:
Keep your dog safe inside until the storm is over.
Enter in a quiet area (box, small room etc) for your dog to hide. You can also place a sheet over the area to make it more comfortable.
Play, practice basic obedience or other activities to distract your dog before the storm.
Once your dog has calmed down during a storm, reward him with a treat so he knows this is good behavior.
If your dog has a severe form of astraphobia, ask your vet to refer you to a specialist dog behavior. Anxiety medication may also be prescribed in addition to training.
2 Fireworks Dogs with a fear of fireworks behavior similar to astraphobia. Although most people turn to sedatives and anxiety drugs to be their dog cope with this fear, they should be used only as a last resort. There are many techniques that you can use to fix your dog's fear of fireworks.
One technique that is particularly well for most dogs desensitization. It is a form of training that your dog used to the sound of fireworks, so that he finally gets it indifferent. Desensitization in six steps:
Write down or you find a video with fireworks.
Play the video at a low volume at least three times a day.
Every time you play the video, make it a positive experience with playing or cuddling with your dog.
After a few days have passed, slowly start to increase the volume. Keep on pairing enjoys the video with the activities of your dog.
If your dog seems anxious, the volume that he is more comfortable.
Repeat the process until you listen to your dog and watch the video at high volume, without in fear. 3 Being Alone
Dogs with separation anxiety often destructive if left alone. You can also bark excessively and urinate or defecate in inappropriate places. As with a fear of fireworks, a mild case of separation anxiety can also be solved with desensitization.
Four tips that you can try to correct separation anxiety in your dog include:
Prevent boredom - boredom can be signs of separation anxiety such as barking, destructive behavior, and run back and forth. To ensure that your dog does not really suffer boredom provide him with adequate exercise and play time during the day. Also be sure to work with a variety of toys to give your dog such as; mental stimulation games, chew toys, squeaky toys, etc.
Change your routine - Most dogs with a fear to start alone to even before you show signs of separation anxiety, outside the door on the left. This is because they are everyday with their owners. Change your routine so that your dog does not expect to start. This could be behind or put your shoes on in the car be something as simple as leaving your wallet.
Be less obvious - Being subtle when you leave your dog alone is important. The more attention to your dog when he shows undesirable behavior, the more it will react to your leaving.
Practice leave for a short time - This last tip can be very time consuming, but it is the most effective. Start by stepping out of your home anxiously for a few seconds, and then come back in, before your dog is. If you see that he's quiet, step outside again. Repeat this process several times, while slowly increasing the time you are away. It may take a few weeks, but you should eventually be able to leave the house for 10, 20 or 30 minutes at a time without your dog restless.
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