Although an animal lover would say that all dogs are adorable and harmless creatures, some of the races have been regarded as dangerous in the past and these include Rottweilers, German Shepherds and Doberman. A recent addition to the list was the Pitbulls hit the headlines for not a very safe PET. Such reports have greatly maligned the image of this breed and projects them as much harmful dog that has a lock-jawed bite and hair-trigger temper.
A well trained and socialized pit bull is one of the most intelligent, sweet and gentle friend that you can have. However, it is unfortunate that some events have influenced the behavior of people towards this otherwise harmless and lovable breed. The pit bull experts and advocates claim that these dogs are not aggressive by nature, but sometimes they suffer at the hands of careless and negligent owners. There are numerous myths about pit bulls that highly malignant racial and in this article we are going to burst some of the common myths.
The first and most common myth is that these dogs have locking jaws that can be very dangerous. Let me tell you that this is not true, because the jaws of pit bulls are anatomically simple and nothing else. You can not lock jaws, and that's it. But just like the other terriers, these types of dogs are more likely to hold something and shake it. This does not mean that they do not let go of what they have observed. A good owner should know how to attract the dog and to stop a fight.
The second most common myth is that pit bulls can endure a lot of pain, but this is not true because these dogs are extremely cowardly in nature. They just do not like to go out when it is cold or raining outside. However, the owner should be to train the animals properly and avoid getting upset or excited, because in such conditions that they might be less pain.
Third, common myth is that pit bulls are aggressive in nature. As to what is written about these dogs contrary, they are not aggressive in nature, but there are many things that lead to aggression and this should could be avoided under all circumstances. Whether breeding these dogs for protection, social status, dog fighting, or any other financial income you need to avoid any form of neglect, cruel training, tethering, chaining or inadequate supervision.
Fourth common myth is that these dogs are very unpredictable. It is a popular belief that a pit bull can gently over the entire life cycle and suddenly change his temperament, and turn its owner. But experts say that dogs this can happen with any breed of dogs and this is not a specific characteristic of pit bulls alone.
So, if you are purchasing a pit bull to think ahead and your friendly and harmless animal safe. With good training and support, you can develop a long-standing friendship that you will cherish all your life....
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