An aquarium is a very finely balanced ecosystem that requires special attention when an imbalance occurs, to keep the people alive and healthy. The environmental problems could range from pH complications in overproduction of algae. With the health of the residents in mind, the best algae eaters for freshwater aquarium is a natural source, rather than using harsh chemicals.
Snails are a great way to rid the tank of algae and are a favorite among children. A good choice is the Ramshorn snail, which has an insatiable appetite and takes up little space. They come in a wide range of colors that can be adjusted to the scheme of the tank. There are two points against the worm but they are no plants to eat in the tank and can rapidly multiply.
There are also different types of fish that can carry out the needs of your control. The right choice of fish can beauty and diversity to add to the tank. You must upgrade your current fish community and size of the tanks before they consider to avoid choosing a algae-eating fish to aggressive behavior and potential losses.
The butterfly has a Goodeid adult size between 3 and 5 cm, with a big appetite. This fish can be aggressive to other fish carefully consider such an enthusiast, should the community tank before adding them to the tank, or keep it in a way only aquarium. The Goodeid fish require a well-filtered environment through a strong sensitivity to poor water conditions.
The American flag is a popular fish with brilliant coloring and simple way. With an adult size of about 2 inches, they do not need a large tank to thrive. Another good choice is the Otocinclus catfish that do not harm even a small demand for space and plants.
A common pleco is well loved by observers with large fins and a simple behavior. This fish is very large and has a tendency to make a lot out of the tank owners are reluctant to jump to keep. You need lots of space and a lid to keep them upright.
A good algae eater is the Bristlenose catfish. These are very often seen in pet stores. They are very warm, and ideal for smaller tanks, making them a popular destination for those who are with the care of an aquarium or have little time to devote to the tank.
If you are looking to diversify your tank's consider some shrimp to your community. Cherry and Amano shrimps are both big eaters, they are peaceful and will not damage plants. Shrimp may be sensitive to the state of the water in the tank so it is best to before they introduce an established environment.
Knowing that your aquarium is a finely balanced system, it is important to find the best algae eaters for freshwater aquarium. Many chemicals may have damaged the quality of water as a result of an impact on the health of your inhabitants. Natural means to circumvent the problem to manage in nature, why not the same techniques, the diversity and beauty to your tank....
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